Visit with Robin


Active Member
Jul 28, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Today, Chris and I went for a visit to Robin's - he's weak but in good spirits. We chatted for a couple hours, about trains, about life, about family and friends. His lovely wife Letty chatted with us as well and then we all had tea and banana bread.

Robin is not able to really eat, so he was just sipping on some juice. Of course we had to see the MATT (Robin's layout) while we were there. Unfortunately it is being dis-assembled, but many of Robin's amazing structures are still there, and I must say - photo's really don't do them justice.

Robin has decided that he is not going to go through another round of chemo, as the first round left him exhausted and feeling ill, and didn't really have any effect on the cancer. He has opted to spend his remaining time at home, with family and friends close at hand.

I can't end this post without mentioning the surprise present that Robin had for me - a genuine CNR switch key!! To Chris he gave some old photos of South African traction - a real treat!

Thank-you Robin.

Gauge member and Robin's good friend Jimmy Beersa is coming to visit for several months. He arrives next week I believe. We're planning to have another little Gauge BBQ sometime in the next couple of week with Robin, Jimmy Chris and myself - you're all also invited.

Val, Chris,

Glad you two were able to put a bit of brightness in Robin's day, and thank you for the update. As Mikey says, we wish it was under better circumstances though....
Sandy and I sure wish we could make it, but alas, finances prohibit the trip. We did meet and had a nice chat for a couple of hours with Robin and Lety several years ago when they made a trip to Abbotsford to see a new granddaughter.
Thanks for the update val, and it was wonderful of you and chris to spend the time and shed some happy hours with Robin and his family, wish I could do so as well, but the distance from him makes it all but imposible. And the BBQ is a great idea, have a wonderful time and thanks for the invite. It sure warms my heart to know that this group of people no FRIENDS that I found in syber space, sure do have a hart..... hope all that atend the BBQ, REALY do, have a good one..... steve
Can you let us know more about when a BBQ will be? I'm about an hour and a half away and would like to come.

Sorry to hear his layout is coming down. What's happening with the Georgetown sub?
galt904 said:
Can you let us know more about when a BBQ will be? I'm about an hour and a half away and would like to come.

Sorry to hear his layout is coming down. What's happening with the Georgetown sub?

Hi Galt,, Nothing arranged at the moment, till Jim gets here from the UK.
I think Jim is taking the sub back home a gift from his very long time friend Robin.

Val will post or email you when the bbq is arranged.