Virtual view of Zepher

Thanks for that post, Mikey. The I was at that exhibit last March, but they wouldn't allow anyone to tour the train, as they were doing renovations. We got a good look at the exterior (one beautiful train!), but I wondered what it was like inside. Now, thanks to you, I know.

Thanks again
Dad & I took the tour in it just a couple weeks ago:mrgreen: . i thought it was REALLY CHEESY:frowns: , and it was a collage girl that really didn't care about the train that did the presentation:cry: . HOWEVER, if you could get past that, the inside of it was really AWESOME!!!:thumb::mrgreen: way ahead of its time:winki: . WELL WORTH SEEING!:thumb:
:deano: -Deano
Now doesn't that beat all. The "passenger" compartment has all white dummies, while the "first class" compartment has full-colored and dressed dummies. They always did treat those first class passengers better... big tippers I'll bet

Thanks for posting that. I've been to their web site, but somehow missed that.
It is good to see the Pioneer all spiffed up. It used to be outside and was a home for feral cats. Check out the Yankee Clipper if you get the chance. I am just nuts about classy passenger trains. I had the chance to sleep on the "Chief" and the Capitol Limited, rode a B and O RDC to school: College Park , Md to Union Station, Washington, DC and rode a steam powered communter in Chicago. Sunday afternoons in Iowa City were spent at the station listening to "Our Miss Brooks" and watching the Rock Island arrive and depart.