Viper Car, by @Revell Fan.

Todays update.
Formers cut out,

engine/wheelbase cut out,

and preformed.

Question for you guys... when parts need to be laminated to a large thickness, 1mm or more, do you cutout then laminate, or laminate, then cutout? As y'all can see from my first pic above, my laminated formers are "fuzzy" because of my difficulty cutting through multiple layers of paper and cardboard.
If I want sharp edges I cut out the part, laminate it and then cut through the thicker card. The small edge gives the knife something to follow, so the cut will be more precise. If I am lazy (which might happen on many occasions ;) ) I laminate the whole part to the card and then cut it out altogether. When I do this I wait till the glue has fully cured (OK, I don't wait because I hate waiting - but YOU should wait to achieve a nice result ;) ) and use a sharp knife (OK, this time I'm serious :D ). I think your formers will do. :)
My hands just aren't as steady as they once were... When I get home I'll have my scalpel blades, but here I'm stuck with cheap HobbyZone blades from Hobby Lobby. They only sell the Exacto blades in 5 packs, for $9.99... Verses 15 HobbyZone for $8.99, but they are not as sharp, and dull quicker...