"V" - Visitor blaster

I was always partial to the original Lazer Tag Starlyte gun, myself. They made a pistol (which I still have) and a rifle. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pistol.
I was always partial to the original Lazer Tag Starlyte gun, myself. They made a pistol (which I still have) and a rifle. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pistol.

You can always use the pistol as part of a sci-fi costume or a halloween costume.
Where are the pics??? :mrgreen: Cant wait to see the final build. I have all the V shows on dvd and enjoy watching it from time-to-time. It was the first prime time sci-fi mini-series that I can remember watching. Although I have to admit I haven't seen any of the newer show yet, but I will someday. Rick
Patience, my friend! I'm quite busy at the moment, but the blaster is on top of my todo list! :wave:
I was always partial to the original Lazer Tag Starlyte gun, myself. They made a pistol (which I still have) and a rifle. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pistol.

Make a carbine out of it. Add a collapsible/telescoping stock and dig up 2 really cheap rifle 'scopes. Cannibalize one for the barrel and emitter, and preform some surgery to remove the molded on sight/scope on the top of the unit. mount the 2nd scope there instead. There is enuf room inside the "barrel" to mount updated laser game hardware. 2 sets of 3 setscrews holding the laser emitter in the end of the barrel will allow fine tuning of the aim of the beam.

Yeah,I did this with mine several years and3 moves ago.
I was considering a few options:

  1. Leave it as is, depending on the value of it as an "antique."
  2. Modify it and put a homemade railgun or coilgun inside.
  3. Gut it, and modify the insides to turn it into a paintball gun
  4. Gut it, and modify the insides to turn it into a real gun

Obviously we're getting off the subject of paper models here, and for that I apologize.
Hello again! :wave:

I have finally found some time to unfold the pattern and to begin test-building. I compared a 2D print of the CG gun with a well-known publicity shot of Jane Badler holding the original weapon to determine the size. According to this pic and the size of the resin model kit the blaster is approximately 12" long which will be the final size of the paper prop. Unfortunately the test blaster was printed 1 cm smaller, but that's not a big problem. You don't see it if you don't know it ;-) . One thing I was very uncertain of was the colour. It is very difficult to see the correct paint scheme on the photos I have and the colour seems to shift when the prop is lit differently. In addition, there were at least three different paint schemes ranging from all black to various shades of grey. I used a 72 % black for my build which makes it look like sturdy metal which is very nice (it really looks heavier than it is :twisted: ). However, I'll tone it down a bit for the final version. It seems that the original prop was molded in black and then drybrushed with the grey colours. Those of you who want to imitate that look may follow that example. I'll be making a white version with lines only, too, for those who want to print the parts on coloured paper or to recolour them according to your wishes.

announce1 And here is what you all have been waiting for: the first pics of the assembled prototype!

Pics 1 & 2 show the internal skeleton of two of the main parts. The next ones give you the parts for the body. It consists of a series of logical blocks which will support themselves exactly the way my other weapons are designed. However, due to the fact that there are only a few tubes and no funky foldings difficulty of assembly is comparably very easy and assembly is very fast. Everything looks good and fits like a glove.


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And here are the first greeblies. This one is a greeblies' paradies like the Colonial Blaster. The only things I didn't detail out were the ribs on the handle (I took the easy way and made a texture), but that's not too complicated to do if you wish. The stand will be similar to the others to maintain consistency. There are only a few finishing touches required to call the prototype finished. Then I'll proceed with the instrcutions. Stay tuned! :wave:


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Thank-you! Thank-you!! Thank-you!!!

Thanks for all the pics they are AMAZING:excited1: It just makes my day when there is an update to the threads I'm following especially when they include lots of design and build pics that I can use later as a guide.

You are truly a master craftsman :goldcup: and I thank you big, big for all your hard work and most especially for sharing.

Keep those pics coming :mrgreen: ...

Warmest Regards,

Visitor blaster ready

Hello fans!

Start with 10.000.



Just kidding!!!

Short blaster countdown this time: Here it is, the Visitor blaster prototype....!

The edges still have to be painted. I assume that many of you may say that this one is true to the spot, however, when I compared the finished prototype and the images I had I noticed some discrepancies which made me revise some parts to improve the performance. The shape of the plating on the block above the handle was changed so that they are more accurate and I noticed that some parts should have laminated to some thicker cardboard to increase the relief structure. These little differences were very difficult to see on the pics I had. I wasn't sure if the dark areas were painted on the model or if they were shadows cast by the plates. New pics showing the weapon from a different angle revealed that they were shadows indeed which proved that the shape of the plates was wrong. Thank goodness these errors were noticed before the plans were released! Correcting these mistakes also gave me the opportunity to make the little on / off switch movable on the final model.

I'm a bit sorry for some of the pics because I had to use the flash which renders some of the detail invisible. You see more of the layered detail under natural light. I wanted to take some outdoor pictures but the weather wasn't good enough. I hope to be able to catch a better moment tomorrow and to show you some close-ups.


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I'm now concentrating on the assembly instructions and will release the kit asap. Basically assembly is very easy, however, if you know my kits you might be expecting a special "Revell-Fan moment", which means a step which is fairly difficult or at least more difficult than the other steps. With the Colonial Blaster it was the caps, with the Raptor it was the tail booms, and with this one it is the "marriage" of the front and the rear end of the blaster. Take your time and work carefully.

What surprised me most was the fact that the model is extremely sturdy. You can shake it without breaking it, and even a tight grip doesn't crush the handle. Even though I highly recommend not to sit on it :mrgreen: .

Thank you all for your patience and stay tuned! :wave:


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Thanks for all the pics they are AMAZING:excited1: It just makes my day when there is an update to the threads I'm following especially when they include lots of design and build pics that I can use later as a guide.

You are truly a master craftsman :goldcup: and I thank you big, big for all your hard work and most especially for sharing.

Keep those pics coming :mrgreen: ...

Warmest Regards,


Thank you very much, Rick! I am so honoured... And you are welcome! :wave:
Thank you RB for making this post for me! :thumb:

You are more then welcome, my friend. Again you have produced an AMAZING model and have brought the "CHILD" out in all of us.

I know that you hear this more then enough, but THANK YOU for ALL of your hard work and dedication in making these ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL models and letting all of us (who remember these show) be "children"again.

Soon it will be time to ZAP some Visitors!!! train97train97train97
My to-do list just got shorter.

It looks awesome RF! I remember watching the show when I was a kid, I always wanted one of these! Another childhood dream soon to be fulfilled...
Me too! I loved this gun even more than the Visitor shuttles.
Freakkin' awesome!! I'm beyond impressed! :)
Thanks! Wait till you see these..! :twisted:

Weather was better today so that I was able to take some pics outside. Now you can see the laminations much better.


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And the close-ups. The sides are not mirrored but slightly different. The left side is a bit more detailed. I glued some dark grey rectangles to the wrong platings to give the impression that these areas are recessed. The final kit which you all may enjoy soon will feature the correct shapes. Detailing the muzzle was very exciting because I didn't know if the cardboard stripes would wrinkle when they were bent around a pencil to make them round. I was lucky, they didn't.


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The half sphere on the barrel was also detailed with cardboard strips.


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