USS Sulaco / Aliens



Jan, great work! Both, cad modelling and paper model. It will be pure pleasure to build it. Thank You !

But I have one question :) why christmas eve as the day of launching ? :)
Shall we treat it as christmas gift ?

Jan, regards
I'm looking forward for start of working (paper and ink are waiting)

well the way i see it... at my house we do our family christmas on christmas eve and the grandmom on the day so its a Christmas preasant for us :mrgreen: :thumb:
Why christmas eve? - because the u.s.s.Sulaco is like the christmas gift :mrgreen:


translation is allmost done ...building few first pdf files.announce1
Graphics is functional.....everything is going fine for now....:rolleyes:
Thank you for your time and effort in the making of this model. I would love to build it, but It will have to wait a while before I get to it. And thanks again for the Dropship, APC, and landing platform.
Early morning?

any chance you could release it early in the morning so i have time to hit the copy shop to print it up so i can build it with my dad on christmas?:twisted:
I must prevent some misunderstandings. The uss Sulaco will be released partially whole next year. Threre is no such 150pages of sulaco papermodel yet. I dont know if it will be at 150pages. Next two months I´m working on functional website so the sulaco itself was holded for this sort of more time..Sulaco is NOT finished yet.announce1

At the start there will be few parts available, which represent about 7% of the whole model...I will try to update the website with new parts every 14 days regularly.:cool:
..must finish u.s.s.Sulaco for myself first :mrgreen:
and this option gives me some time for finishing the whole thing and you can start to build your own ship.:eek:
I will try to update the website with new parts every 14 days regularly.

ahhhh, now I got it!

That`s great - a sort of "full 2011 christmas calendar" with something new to build every 2 weeks. I`ll try to keep pace with you, so that I really will build the new parts when they are released. That should prevent me from an often faced problem: I start a model, but stop somewhere in the middle, not touching it for months... :eek:ops:

Will you release the bluish or the grey version?
Super, super, super! I can not wait:)
I have one question. Will there be a version without the texture, the same contours? I wanted a model made from plastic plates. Damage to print color component to redraw only a part.
I'm so looking forward to seeing this. A 2 week interval in which to construct the latest section before getting the next is going to keep people on their toes for sure.

Thanks to Jan for this amazing project and all the time and devotion it so clearly requires.