USS Sulaco / Aliens

Forgive me Jan, this is not pressure, but like everyone else here I really love any tiny bit of info on this project that I can get... Not holding you to anything, but I was wondering if you have any estimated timetable on the website going up and the first release of templates? I know you are always very busy with so many things 'on your table' and realize any estimate would be just that, an estimate, and NOT a guarantee. Also curious (again an estimate) at what is the expected total size of all the files for this magnificent beast? Assuming your model is completely assembled... any new pics?
oriod01 said:
....and realize any estimate would be just that, an estimate, and NOT a guarantee.....

I thing that the pages will be running sometimes around x-mas. There is lots of work to do.wall1

I´m calculating total file size about 50Mb...but who knows...the model isn´t finished yet.wall1 is some progress done between my job and work on my web and for ABC magazine....there is really huge mountain of work...(I am a perfectionist and that is the problem) :mrgreen:.

The side cannons.



status of the web pages - UNDER CONSTRUCTION sign1


I can not wait, you wait anxiously!
Rükr a technical question, what kind of paper did you use?
How many grams?
Thank you! : D
Thanks for the info and pics. It truly is incredible! No need to tell us that you are a perfectionist, it shows in all your work, especially this project.
There are no words of admiration.

Jan beg give this image "under construction Sulaco" in the high-resolution (+4k)
Very cool theme on a poster or desktop computer - resolution HD.

I can not wait for Christmas :)
HI jan,
Have been following your work for a while and think it is absolutley epic
Any chance of doing those wallpapers at 5040x1050 ?
Google Translate is your friend, Marco. :wink:

mick67 said:
jai hate to see the end is finally over for the construction fair

Well it's not quite over, Mick (if I understand you correctly). Jan still needs to finish building the prototype before he distributes it to us.