UHU02 Gotengo

If UHU02 is able to make this function work (which I have no doubt that he will), He will have taken paper model building to a whole new level.
I am looking forward to seeing it.
Those Renders are an achievement in themselves!! :)
I'd enjoy just having the 3D virtual model to go through!! :)
If the renders are a preview for his model, then it is going to be fantastic, beautiful, and highly detailed model. In other words a UHU02 model.:)
You'd be crazy to put any covers on it. You would have to make them removable. :)
I'm wondering about the size of the finished model. Maybe it will be longer than the Discovery... ;)
It can always be scaled up. Especially easy if you have Photoshop. :)
Maybe a 1/2 open model, with optional removable panels. This looks like it is going to be one heckuava model, anyway you look at it. :)
So it looks like the 3D work is done now it's simply a matter of UHU02 unfolding the separate bits, working out the layout, test building, resurrecting the dinosaurs, catching a unicorn and finding life on another planet. Honestly it should be a doddle :). This will be the pinnacle of paper art and raise the bar to impossible (for mere mortals anyway) heights.
55.jpg 56.jpg
Truly, this will be a model that if you don't download, the second it is available, you're a fool. I don't expect this to be available for long, and we will be strict and tight on this one. Especially seeing how easy he has made obtaining his models when first released.
Thanks makes sense, and for a very nice display. :)