UHU01 Discovery extras


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2007
UHU01 has put the parts for the Discovery's sleeper,treadmill,walkway rotating turny thingy up on his site for download.


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I know hot to access his site, so that is not the question, the question is where on the site?
Thanks, I figured it out yesterday. It really pays off, on many levels, to scour his website. I will do this more often. Thanks!!!
Go the file, very cool. But: Are there any instructions somewhere how to build that interior?

And a little sidenote: If I get it right the interior is completely closed when build - so you can't look inside. :confused:
Turny thingy?? is that a technical term I'm not aware of??? :mrgreen:
from the old English for thing that turns but I can't remember what it actually is and can't be bothered to look it up.Popular opinion has it as the Centrifuge it goes just behind the sitty in drivey bit and quite a bit in front of the big burny makey go fast thingys:mrgreen:
Go the file, very cool. But: Are there any instructions somewhere how to build that interior?

And a little sidenote: If I get it right the interior is completely closed when build - so you can't look inside. :confused:
No instructions for any of his models other than the Enterprise but the thread has plenty of photos.The new part is invisible when the model is finished which if memory serves was the reason it was not released with the kit at the time.There was a lot of people expressing interest in building it as stand alone display piece.
No instructions for any of his models other than the Enterprise but the thread has plenty of photos.

But none of the interior, or am I blind?

I wonder how it can displayed in a way that you can take a look inside it. Not only it is not visible when build into the Discovery, the inside of the centrifuge is not visible at all because it it a closed cylinder...
UHU02 has posted a picture of the assembled Habitat,centrifuge,treadmill spiny roundy hamster wheel you know what it is bit from the Discovery


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A Paper ring full of dead guys!! Good thing it was just a movie!!!
Sorry to zombie-post, but I downloaded this model add-on when the thread was new, and looked forward to building it. And then the other day, the hard-drive with all my models on it died. All attempts to recover the data have failed. Anyway, I just finished re-downloading all the uhu02 models I was interested in, but couldn't find the centrifuge model.

Is there a link I'm not spotting, or what? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

ETA: Doh! Found it. Nevermind.