Toronto Maple Leaf Train Show Is On.


Absolutely Chris!

You are all cordinally invited to a BBQ
Saturday, July 19th at my place

(about 10 minutes from the convention site)
All Gaugers including friends and family are welcome.

RSVP by email or private message so I'll know approximately how many people to expect and I'll give you my address and directions.

Just thought of one more thing. The BBQ is set for the second-last day of the show. Perhaps we should arrange another get-together somewhere for the beginning of the event as well, so that we can meet and plan some things to do together during the week. Any ideas?
Visit Narrow Gauge Madness

I'll be at the Maple Leaf 2003 Train Show.

I'll be the one with the unfinished OCMODS Modules.

I hope to see you all there.

You can lend a hand with laying track, wiring and scenery...

I won't have the time or energy to attend Val's B.B.Q., but I appreciate the invite.