To be somewhat Enterprising....

Now the gripes.

1 - No support pieces/internal formers. This one was ok, I think mostly due to the reduced size, but anyone who has built a Federation ship know getting the saucer right can be quite a challenge. I added a cross brace to be on the safe side.
2 - It's been lifted from a video game. While I have no issues with that in itself the placement of parts can be trickier than usual
3 - No stand!
4 - The warp nacelle "tail" is supposed to have a ball like "filling" which is missing on this kit

Ok, rant over moving onto the one that started it all, yes, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 ( N-C-C-1-7-0-1. No bloody A - B - C - or D! )

Thanks for sharing these observations, as well as a great build thread.

The tumble was a nice touch to provide scale too.

My compliments of such a detailed build of such a tiny kit...
Great to see you doing these!! I would like to see a shelf pic of your other star trek builds.
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