Thunderhawk Warhammer 40K

Jan Kytop

Active Member
Apr 9, 2008
I have begun to build the rear part of the thunderhawk of this thread:



I just stumbled on your build thread on the French site. The wall of the Hawk seem kind of thin. If you are going to use this vehicle in game play are you going to strengthen them with laminations? If it is for a static display, then it is good to go. Waiting to see more pics. See you around the forums.
! I am keenly interested in seeing a complete build-up of this WIP beast. It'll be a few months before I tackle one of my own, and this would be of great aid.

Thank you,
I just stumbled on your build thread on the French site. The wall of the Hawk seem kind of thin. If you are going to use this vehicle in game play are you going to strengthen them with laminations? If it is for a static display, then it is good to go. Waiting to see more pics. See you around the forums.

All the parts are laminated inside and or outside with heavy card and my rear part is very strong.(armoured really)
So my son will use the vehicle for gameplay (if I can finish itsign1)
Installation of the vertical stabilizer showing the building structure from the inside with cardboard.
The exterior view shows the representation of relief by bonding layers and rivets .
Each rivet has been blessed with the holy oil by a techpriest behalf of the Most Holy Emperor of Mankind before being glued.


