This ones for you, kettlestack (Genesis 'F7' loco)


WOW! That is some detail!! And the camera looks like a beauty too! :eek:

Sorta makes my plastic el-cheapo Lima Victorian Railways GM "S" Class lookalike pretty ummmm..... well.... cheap! :eek:

I won't comment on my photography! :rolleyes:


  • sclass.jpg
    8.8 KB · Views: 167
Hey, Woodie this loco of yours is very nice!
This Victorian Railways paint scheme reminds to me the one I have seen in some Erie locos. The photo is very correct for an warm Aussie sunset :)

I'm still getting used to the camera -an Epson PhotoPC 3100Z-. I was used to my 'old' reflex stuff, so I find these new digital things too small in my hands and with too many little buttons :rolleyes:

I have read the other thread. Do you really think that my english is, hum, intelligible?? :D I's far better that I could have guessed! :D
BTW, I hope that none of you will never ear me speaking english!!
That detail is fantastic! I had no idea that plastic injection mouldings could be so fine. It's about as good as brass model detail.

Hey, I don't know who might have commented on your English but there's nothing wrong with it. (just wish I was multilingual).

Who cares about English...your modeling speaks for itself!
Me, & Tyson are from the southern U.S. , & we've really been known to butcher the language on here on occasion! :D
The guage in Spanish

ma's javier,

si usted desea traducir The Guage a español, apenas ponga "" en su avatar, y entonces cualquier hilo de rosca que usted contribuya a, usted puede chascar encendido su poste y traducirá la página entera a español.

Click here to translate this post to English.
Re: The guage in Spanish

Hi, y'all
Thanks for your words. My self-respect have grown so big that it don't fit in my shirt :D :D (Hum! It's a bit flabby too! ...maybe my wife it's right and this isn't self-respect but metabolized beer! :eek: ).

Charlie, about the southern speech... Aahhh! NOW I understand why some posts are Greek to me!! I was to blame the phone company about the missing characters that made the thread a real mess!

Woodie, I have seen the output that the 'redneck translator' made with my previous message. What a good laugh!! :D
About thar dang english/spanish translators, ah like far bettuh be n'maw own, hot damn! Usually, tuh output is awful! like'n this example:
The spanish output you got:

si usted desea traducir The Guage a español, apenas ponga "" en su avatar, y entonces cualquier hilo de rosca que usted contribuya a, usted puede chascar encendido su poste y traducirá la página entera a español.
...can be translated as:

"if you want to translate The Gauge to spanish, just put 'http://...' in your avatar, and then any coil thread that you bring to, you can snap your pole and (it) will translate the whole page to spanish" :eek: :confused: :eek:

Ah think tuh ah will learn more english to readin' thar dang southern posts, hot damn! :D :D :D


The F-7 is fantastic, did it come assembled and detailed?? I have a couple of older athearn F-7s and the detail isn't nearly as realistic. The pictures are of pro quality, I have the Olympic 3000Z but haven't had it long enough to have learned all the in's and outs of it yet, but will be working on that as I get started building my layout. Keep up the great work, and keep us posted with those great photos. :cool: planeshaivngs
Hello, Planeshavings

Thanks for your kind words. :) Yes, the Genesis line is all RTR. The locos are more expensive than the standard Athearn line, but IMHO they worth every cent (specially the F3/F7/F9 ones!).

Do your camera have 'macro' function? For taking these close photos I have used the macro function with small diaphragm aperture (F8), holding the camera in an small tripod. As background, I used a white cardboard.
Macro photography

Hello, AT&SF Duey

Maybe you already know this, but just in case... :rolleyes:

When shooting with the Macro function, it's important to have the subject well illuminated, better under natural sun light that under light bulbs (they give a 'yellowish' tint, unless that you use a blue filter).

If you shoot photos supporting the camera at hand with F8 aperture under poor light conditions, the camera will try to compensate with long exposure times, and you will end with blurry pics (or, if you adjust also a short exposure time, the pics will be very darkened) :( , so you need a tripod or, if you don't have one, to lay the camera over a firm surface when shooting. The table/layout surface will do OK when taking close pics of locomotive nose&sides. If you need something a bit higher, try piling some books (and a folded paper under the camera's back, for getting the desired angle). As general rule, I don't try to take pics 'at hand' at exposure speeds under 1/30 second (unless you have a very firm hand!), neither after having some beers :D.

Several years ago, I purchased very cheap (in a 'closing sale') a Kullmann set with an small tripod and a good array of grips & other supporting devices. It has been very useful, but I don't know it they continue selling it (I can give you its reference # if you are interested).

Good luck! (and please, have some pics posted when you get it done. We LOVE the pics!! :D :D )
Macro Photography

Good Morning Topo,
I have read your advice and printed it out for future reference, and I will be doing most of my shooting outside in the direct sun light as you have suggested. You must have taken a class on digital photography, I confess I have not, and prior to this have only used the camera on automatic settings, the pictures are of good quality, but boring. I'm delighted that you have shared your expertise with me. Keep up the good work, and have fun working on your layout. AT&SF Duey

By the By, I do have a tripod, and Grip, I have found it is difficult to hold the small, lightweight camera perfectly still without the Grip. I have also invested in an external digital flash unit, (Deluxe 3000 Flash Unit) and it has proven well worth the cost of $150.00 American Plus Shipping. It can be seen at

:cool: :cool: