Think Jays Galactica is lonely, need some help

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I haven't been following this thread but I decided to have a look and all I can say is WOW.
The work here has been amazing keep it up. My downloading limit is fast approaching to its limit
BSG 3ft Patch 3

I have uploaded a revised page 29 for the 3 foot Galactica to correct the alignment of parts on one of the landing bays. It's called "Battlestar Galactica 3ft Patch 3". It will be available in the downloads section as soon as the moderator approves it.

Any body ever do the agro ship? Watched "Silent Running" again last eveing and im determined to at least do a dome structure of some sort?
Agro Ship

Any body ever do the agro ship? Watched "Silent Running" again last eveing and im determined to at least do a dome structure of some sort?

The refinery ship and agro ship are next in line from the set we've been working from. I've been working on other things since I finished the Gemini Transport ship, so it doesn't matter to me which order I do them. The refinery ship in fact is a pretty easy conversion. Lots of repetitive parts so I just need to cleanup one, then clone clone clone. I could work on both more or less at the same time.

Can't commit to any timelines right now, but never doubt that I'll get it done eventually (er, unless you really want to do it). The agro ship in the BSG pack isn't the same as the Silent Running ship (Valley Forge), not even close really. It's always been my intention to do the agro ship, then use that experience to do the Silent Running ship, which I have a mesh for. It's always just a question of who gets to it first.

Bye for now,

Going back over some of the older posts here, something occurs to me:

Just because the Cygnus has guns of a similar turret layout to the Gallactica, doesn't necessarily mean you can use those to scale one ship to the other.

Look at battleships. Many turrets look alike, but have different sizes, calibers, shot, etc.

If the Cygnus is such a small ship (compared to big G), it stands to reason it has lighter weaponry, also. It's not meant to be the main guns in a battle.

So even though the turrets look the same, they could be much smaller in scale.

Just a thought.

Just so ya all know I haven't forgotten this project or dropped off the face of the earth, I thought I'd let you know that I finished the 3D work on the Refinery ship last night. It's ready for unfolding now. I'll get started on that right away, and then finish the Agro ship. Once the Agro ship is done I'm going to move on to some other projects for a while. Trying to clear up some of those things I keep saying I'm going to do.


Colonial Refinery Ship Now Available

Greetings one and all, and a slightly belated Happy New Year.

To help start the year off right, here's a new addition to your Battlestar Galactica fleet. The Colonial Refinery ship is now available in the download section (or will be as soon as it passes moderation).

I've been away from card modelling for most of the past year, but I'm now getting back into it and am working toward wrapping up some projects. Next up will be the Agro ship. I've already started the 3D cleanup work, and will try and stay focused on that project. Encouragement always help, so take some time and build one of the models from this thread and post pictures, or start a build thread. Seeing the models get built increases motivation you know.

In the meantime I'm also finishing up my own build of the MO65, and playing with modular origami, cardboard shields and swords, and numerous other distractions.

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone, and let's see those build pics.



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Keep up the good work guys. I'll start with the galactica and if my friend joins me we will do more maybe the whole fleet too.

Keep up the good work guys. I'll start with the galactica and if my friend joins me we will do more maybe the whole fleet too.

Welcome istvan, and I look forward to seeing build pics of everything you make (hint hint).

As soon as I finish some texturing updates (which I am not very good at, so progress is slow as I tend to procrastinate on things I'm not good at) I'll have the Agro ship done.


Sjsquirrel, still working on that hanger bay for you guy's. Bear with me a little while longer. Pretty busy here and not much time to develop the skilled need to be a designer. I may need to enlist some help to do this right. To all hello from Iraq.:)

No rush guy. As you can, when you can. Understand you're busy. Thanks for what you do - it's important. How are you doing?

Sjsquirrel, still working on that hanger bay for you guy's. Bear with me a little while longer. Pretty busy here and not much time to develop the skilled need to be a designer. I may need to enlist some help to do this right. To all hello from Iraq.:)


Good to hear from you Commander. I'd mostly forgotten about the hangar bays, but I'm glad to hear you're still at it. If I can help don't hesitate to ask.


Sometimes I can be so dense!

Just when I thought I was almost finished the agro ship, I noticed a major screw up. Can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

In the first picture you can see that there are white circles on the hull indicating where the domes go. I took great pains to modify the texture to make this happen. In the original 3D model the little pads didn't even line up with all the domes. Anyway, as I was taking some screenshots for instructions I saw what's illustrated in the second image. I completely forgot about the piping. You can see on the left that it lays right over top of some of the pads where the domes go.wall1

Dumb, and Dumber. Anyway, now I've gotta go fix all that up. It will require a little artistic license, but hey, it's only a model.

And now you know I'm still working on it in my spare time.

Stay tuned



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