The Hills of LaRue


Jul 9, 2006
LaCrosse Wisconsin
There is a little town called LaRue that due to it's high amount of sandstone bluffs, is the source of sand for online cement customers. The M.C.o.W. hauls the sand in ex ore-jennies that are in captive service. This area also sees some steam action ocassionally as the nearby North Freedom Railroad museum runs excursions.

The construction of this area is mostly carved foam with blended and carved sculptamold added. Last week the LaRue hillside looked like this;


And this morning I spent a couple of hours painting it to this stage;



More to come........

Happy modeling,

Thanks everyone!! Galen, That's a great idea. The CNW did have a slide detector at Devils' Lake here and that is in the general area that I model. The scene is FAR from complete and I really only took these photos to see how well they did under the light.

More to come.......

Hey Johnny...
Back in the days, I used to go scuba diving at Devil's Lake...and your bluffs look just like those...!!! Great work...!:thumb:
steamhead said:
Hey Johnny...
Back in the days, I used to go scuba diving at Devil's Lake...and your bluffs look just like those...!!! Great work...!:thumb:

Thanks Gus. "Back in the days"? It's changed a lot probably. The WSOR operates the line now and it only sees about 5-10 trains per week. Tell me, when you were scuba-diving there, ever hear(or see)about the rumoured steam loco laying in the water? When I hogged on that line old heads told of it. Said it was small but had hit a rockslide and went in.

Tom- Thanks a lot for looking. I was following your thread as well and am amazed at the progress.

JR- Thanks for the compliments. I'm in the process of planting some greenery in that area now.
