Thanks Mike & Robin


Active Member
Sep 25, 2002
Butler, Kentucky USA
After seeing all the beautiful buildings Robin did with card stock and the fantastic containers Mike did with card stock I just had to try my hand at it. I am not as good as they but I do like it. You can make the little small thingys you just don't want to always pay for. I really plan on doing it some more, I got a real kick out of it. So thanks to them here is a couple of shots of my first attempt.

What do you do with the old box cars that the lines put out of order signs on, well you make storage sheds out of them and here are a couple of ideas my computer came up with, (right) enjoy and as alway comments please, that makes me try harder!:rolleyes: ;) :p


  • boxcar paper side.jpg
    boxcar paper side.jpg
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That looks excellent, nothing wrong I can see with what you have just constructed, great work indeed.
Hey Jim the cardstock models look great I'm just wondering how did you put the bolts and the coragations into the boxcars? In the picture that you posted did you digitally install the gras and other greenery?
Jim, I luvs 'em, luv, luv, luv, luv, luv. Fabulous atmosphere you captured! The MOW car too is absolutely great!

Comments? .... hmmmm, Ah, you forgot to weather the Buick!!:) .

These two 'sheds' look :cool: cool :cool:. I love that weathering job on Dad's container. You almost hear it rusting. :D

Two questions:
1. The buildings in the background - are they from cardboard, too?
2. How did you that knobbly stone ground below the Buick? Is it 3d or only printed cardboard?

Thanks Again

OK, I did another one, this will be a new boxcar being built, when finished the work crew will be working on it, up on blocks etc. I think it will make a nice little scene.

belg: the bolts (rivets) and the coragations were done in Paint Shop Pro 7 and all printed on a sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock as was the ground it is sitting on and the grass & greenery is digital, I do this to suggest how it will look when put on the layout.

Railron: No, the building in the rear are not cardstock, the one on the left is a plastic kit with some bashing and the one on the right is a laser wood kit, and the car? Well, Gotta Get a Mercury, :p :rolleyes:

here's the pic


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    new box.jpg
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paint pro 7

Ok, now that you've told me what you use to make them, would you care to tell me how? ;) I'm no computer wiz and I only have a program called paint which came with the computer when I bought it, I once made some window frames but that took forever, so something as complicated as what you made would take me forever. Is your program so much more advanced or easier to use? How DO you do it?:confused: :confused: :confused: It's amazing but my eleven year navigates better than I do. Then again he spends way to much time on the computer.Any help is appreciated,but hopefully something economical would be great.

a picture is worth a thousand words! Here are some more pics, the first is with a little more modeling, the second 2 are plans, for N scale on the first one just print it out the other has instructions on it. Hope this helps :rolleyes:

Hey Jim I really appreciate the plans and I'm sure others will too.My problem is that I can't change the printer size,I've looked in print preview,edit,view,options and can't find where to change the print size.Any suggestions? Remember I'm not a computer guy.:confused: :confused: