Tachi from "The Expanse"


Active Member
Mar 16, 2004
st. paul, mn, usa
There are very few models I want to build more than once, but Michael Grosberg's excellent Rocinante/Tachi is one of them. It's the main ship from the sci-fi show "The Expanse." (And, sorry, but no build thread from me on this one.)

A quick bit of history for those unfamiliar with the show or the books by James S.A. Corey upon which the show is based: The Tachi is a Corvette-class fast attack ship operated by the Martian Congressional Republic Navy (MCRN). It was berthed on the Donnager as a fleet escort vessel, and when that ship came under attack by unknown ships, James Holden (one of the show's chief protagonists) and his crew escape in the Tachi, which they rechristen Rocinante.

Michael offers the model in 1/100th scale. I built Rocinante as-is, but when the Tachi repaint came out, I figured it would be cool to build it at 1/200th scale. (Also, I'm short of display space....) Because Michael did an excellent job of engineering the ship's complex shapes, it goes together just as easily in the smaller scale, although my ancient eyes were happy to get it finished.

The model comes with a sturdy internal framework, but I only used the end pieces, as formers, for the Drive and Cargo modules. I did build the internal framework for the Service/Crew modules, since their shapes are fairly complex. I added various bits of detail throughout.

One note: There are some nifty images online of Tachi. Their markings differ from Michael's model. But if you look at actual video from the show -- the "real" vehicle -- Michael got the markings correct and the online renderings are wrong.

IMG_6539.JPGIMG_6536.JPG IMG_6535.JPG IMG_6538.JPG
Great if you would post the links for these models. I did post them in another thread, in case anyone missed them.
Instructions are the same for the MCRN ship:



You could just say, "Here's the link..." instead of making it sound like I failed to live up to some unspoken "obligation" to provide the link.
dhanners I think your builds of both versions are fantastic! Too bad you don't have parts to the Gatling guns you made on a template. It would be a great add on for this model. Since the links to both versions are on the first build I don't see why it would need posted on this build. Now if the was a link section to post links to free or pay models, then it could be posted there. Not trying to make anybody mad just what I think.
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dhanners I think your builds of both versions are fantastic! Too bad you don't have parts to the Gatling guns you made on a template. It would be a great add on for this model. Since the links to both versions are on the first build I don't see why it would need posted on this build. Now if the was a link section to post links to free or pay models, then it could be posted there. Not trying to make anybody mad just what I think.

Thanks for the kind words. I scratchbuilt the Point Defense Cannons on my previous build, so there were no templates, per se. I just fashioned and added parts until I had a passable representation of a PDC. Maybe someone with CAD skills could design one (it would also require a redesign of their housings, as well as coming up with an interior for the housings) so I'll leave those tasks to someone with the appropriate skills.

And I mean no disrespect in any of my comments. I just want to post photos of finished builds. When I come up with some interesting technique or do something out of the ordinary, I might be compelled to post photos. But otherwise, I'm just cutting paper and following the instructions, and nobody needs to waste their time watching my glue dry.
Thank you very much. I have added this to my collection! I need to see the program.

I've made it through season 1. It's been very good so far. And their fidelity to the laws of physics appears pretty strong. It makes the ships interesting. For example, on the Tachi/Rocinante (and other ships) the decks are oriented perpendicular to the axis of thrust, as opposed to parallel to the axis as we see in "Star Trek," "BSG," et al. When the ship is under thrust, the inertia creates the effect of gravity. When vessels reach the halfway point (thereabouts) to their destination, they swing around and the engine then provides braking to slow the ship down. The crew uses magnetic boots to walk around.

So this means "up" on the ship means the vessel's nose, and "down" is its rear, where the engine (the "Epstein Drive") is located.
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I've made it through season 1. It's been very good so far. And their fidelity to the laws of physics appears pretty strong. It makes the ships interesting. For example, on the Tachi/Rocinante (and other ships) the decks are oriented perpendicular to the axis of thrust, as opposed to parallel to the axis as we see in "Star Trek," "BSG," et al. When the ship is under thrust, the inertia creates the effect of gravity. When vessels reach the halfway point (thereabouts) to their destination, they swing around and the engine then provides braking to slow the ship down. The crew uses magnetic boots to walk around.

So this means "up" on the ship means the vessel's nose, and "down" is its rear, where the engine (the "Epstein Drive") is located.
I have to say that that is an interesting concept. Thank you for the review of the series. I will have to check it out.
You could just say, "Here's the link..." instead of making it sound like I failed to live up to some unspoken "obligation" to provide the link.

I always ask people to post the links. It's not an obligation, just a courtesy. I got P.M.s asking for the links. I spent 15 minutes or so finding out where they were. I ask the same thing of everyone. It's just common courtesy. You aren't being singled out. Most people here post the links to the models. It was a request, that's all.
I have to say that that is an interesting concept. Thank you for the review of the series. I will have to check it out.

Basic Newtonian physics. Battlestar Galactica did it very well, except for the Galactica itself, which had some kind of imaginary gravity plating. "The Expanse" doesn't take any short cuts. In a sense, the ships are always under constant acceleration, so when they reach a speed which provides 1 G of gravity, they are accelerating at that speed constantly. This means they constantly use fuel. :)
dhanners I think your builds of both versions are fantastic! Too bad you don't have parts to the Gatling guns you made on a template. It would be a great add on for this model. Since the links to both versions are on the first build I don't see why it would need posted on this build. Now if the was a link section to post links to free or pay models, then it could be posted there. Not trying to make anybody mad just what I think.

There is a place to post "Internet Finds". It's here:


If anyone posted a link there it would come up under the "New Posts" section. Nothing wrong with posting in the thread either. In a way, it's easier to find in a thread, but as long as the title has the name, the forum's search engine will find it. It will find it in the body of the text also.

"Pay for" models can only be posted if their is a build thread alone with it.

People do enjoy seeing the build process. It gives a hint of what to expect. Also, posting the build process does help others who may not be as far along in their skills. The models in question are pretty straightforward, so nothing is missed, except the interchange that occurs during the build, the questions and interactions that make up a forum. The interactions during the build process is what builds the community.

How much a person wishes to participate in that process is up to them. :)
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I know that learning how to better my skills is enhanced by watching others and engaging them in conversation when facing difficulties. Fantastic build pics! Very inspiring.