
Hi Jagolden. If the program works on your new machine could you save the PEP Stingray to PDF format {or any other that can be opened on a mac}and post it on here so that our friend with the mac can just print the model without having to use any additional software which would be great news for him. Regards Pete.

Anyone with Acrobat Professional can open the PDO on the PC and print to PDF. I do it all the time at work, and take the PDF home to the MAC.
Good ones...

I totally agree with what Phil has to say, Gerry Anderson's shows are what most of us 40 something big kids grew up with and watched religously. Thanks to our bestest mate Gary:thumb:, we are keeping our youth alive and kickingsign1. My new printer is going to be working overtime with the Anderson models I have downloaded. I have noticed however I seem to be missing Thunderbird 5. I have found some that some of you may not have seen yet
have fun


If you start at the top of this one there are a number of thunderbird-like models on the EXTRA page. Click the fourth button in the menu bar at left.

Exciting stuff, Gary,

I still remember the 'Creature from The Black Lagoon' fish-humnoid types that steered this sub . . .

The Aquaphibians! ruled by Lord Titan with justice decided by the Fish of Fear Teufel "Your fate will be decided in one Marine Minute!."
It is quite possible that not be able to go out is starting to have an effect on me!!.:p
Hi Pete, nice TSR2 skin I look forward to taking her for a test crash!!.:twisted:
The Aquaphibians and Lord Titan

Right, Gixergs!

The Aquaphibians! I remember now.

I think I actually have a big reel of spliced WALTON black & white Super 8mm STINGRAY silent movies stashed away somewhere in the attic - I have to go look for it, to experience these magnificent fish-creatures again, as well as the WASP puppet crew. It´s time to get the ol´movie projector rolling again . . .

Bengt :thumb:
Original 'FAB 1' Rolls Limo/Sub

Hey guys,

I know this is the STINGRAY thread, but wouldn´t it be really cool to have Lady Penelope´s pink 6-wheel 'FAB 1' limo as a paper model, perhaps with a heat-molded plastic top/canopy . . ?
This is the one I mean - the 'original' Rolls-Royce FAB 1, with the long engine hood:


NOT THIS recent strange soap-shaped one:


Would that be something that you would be interested in attempting, Gary?

That would almost complete the Gerry Anderson-inspired fleet of Thinderbirds card models, wouldn´t it?

All the best from Stockholm,
Bengt :thumb:
Hi Bengt, sounds like a nice evening Super 8 Stingray maybe a small sip of something or indeed a large gulp!.aussie Lady Penny's FAB 1,was Rolls Royce approved,one of the few independent builds to be so and so it was allowed to have the proper grill and Spirit of Ecstasy Emblem. The live action film well lets never speak of it or it's vehicle's? again..EVER!!!.:curse:
I second that Bengt :thumb: it will be nice to have the T F in scale with the Stingray model. This guy certainly knows his work inside out.. hats off to Gary. By the way Gary, i'm interested in what prog you use to turn out these wonderful models ? i used to use CAD way back when.... Windows wasn't even out then so you can imagine how long ago it was :eek: The manual to the prog was 6 massive volumes with thousands of pages in each one yet only a few large format floppy disks. It was a very hard prog to work out how to use and would take many days to get even close to what you have achieved in such a short time. Keep up the great work friend. Regards Pete.

Hi Pete
Back in the stone age when i had an atari STFM I used Imagine 3D modelling and rendering program to design my models ,then came the PC and 3D modelling ground to a halt.I found the PC version of Imagine but forgot how to use it!
I stumbled across Metasequoia and found it easy to use
For unfolding I use Pepakura............
Woo Hoo! you know we were all thinking your name when Some talented person was mentioned. Enjoying building the TSR2 as well so thank you for that.
Right, Gixergs!

The Aquaphibians! I remember now.

I think I actually have a big reel of spliced WALTON black & white Super 8mm STINGRAY silent movies stashed away somewhere in the attic - I have to go look for it, to experience these magnificent fish-creatures again, as well as the WASP puppet crew. It´s time to get the ol´movie projector rolling again . . .

Bengt :thumb:
Me please....pretty please:eek:you mentioned Super 8mm film and Stingray all in the same sentence WOW... that's one of my SPECIAL HOBBIES Bengt ! what have you got in your collection and what type of projector do you use ?
Hi Pete, nice TSR2 skin I look forward to taking her for a test crash!!.:twisted:
Ayup mate. She's really easy to crash test but awesome to fly. Trust the build is coming along well my friend :thumb: Regards your mate Pete :wave:
Hi Pete
Back in the stone age when i had an atari STFM I used Imagine 3D modelling and rendering program to design my models ,then came the PC and 3D modelling ground to a halt.I found the PC version of Imagine but forgot how to use it!
I stumbled across Metasequoia and found it easy to use
For unfolding I use Pepakura............
Thanks for the info friend :thumb: Regards Pete
Stingray on Super 8mm

Hello Peter,

Well, you will get me going on this subject . . . just tell me when to stop!

Apart from some short copies of the Stingray series and Thunderbirds, and some cartoons like Popeye, Mickey Mouse from the late 30s, or Donald Duck from the 40s, I also have a couple of full-length feature films on Super 8mm. The finest in my collection would be the 1933 release of KING KONG. It is a superb Blackhawk copy with a high quality optical soundtrack, which I bought in the outskirts of London in 1981. When I want to watch this type of sound film, I use an ELMO ST1200 M/O projector. I have also recently bought a very fine Beaulieu 708 EL projector (eBay in Sweden!), with magnetic sound, an adjustable shutter, and 700 meter reel capacity.

I also have a full-length Super 8 version of David W. Griffith´s silent masterpiece from 1916, 'Intolerance'.

I used to make quite a lot of Super 8 movies in the late 70s and early 80s, when I was working at a cinema lab here in Stockholm.

Still being something of a movie nerd, I have a couple of functioning Beaulieu Super 8 cameras (silent and magnetic sound) and I also recently bought a magnificent Canon Sound Scoopic 200 SE 16mm camera from a cinematographer (also eBay in Sweden!). I plan to shoot in both 16mm and Super 8 this summer, and edit digitally in Apple Final Cut Pro, after a telecine of the film negatives. These days, several professional, fine-grain VISION 2 and 3 negative films are available from KODAK in regular Super 8 cartridges, which opens up a fully professional editing approach even to this smaller format:

In the US, for example, Super 8 has become the preferred medium of skateboard enthusiasts, due to the unique possibilities of slow-motion cinematography, of up to 80 fps (Beaulieu). Furthermore, in the US, there are many labs catering to Super 8 filmmakers - Pro8mm in Burbank, California (formerly Super8 Sound), can scan Super 8 film to full HD resolution, direct to portable hard drives or to CDs/DVDs:
And Dwayne´s Photo lab in Parsons, Kansas, still process the supersharp Kodachrome films in Super 8 or 16mm (at least as long as the people at KODAK in the US still make them in 35mm):
Kodachrome films are actually black & white films (hence the thin, fine-grain, sharp emulsion), and the color dyes are added in the extremely complicated K-14M process.

Have you seen the filmmaker magazine 'Super8 Today', by the way? It is published by Super 8 enthusiast filmmaker Chris Cottrill in the US and it´s currently the only magazine of it´s kind in English. The German magazine Schmalfilm, used to have an edition in English, Smallformat, however, sadly, it is gone now, since about two months back. I am a regular subscriber to Super8 Today and I can wholeheartedly recommend it, if you are interested in technical issues (cameras, projectors, telecine, editing), or what is happening around the world, re. film festivals, new film releases, filmmaker interviews, etc:

All the best from Stockholm,
Bengt :thumb: