Stargate Atlantis, Puddle Jumper


Galactica lives in Germany
Jan 3, 2015
North East Germany, Europa
Nachdem der Bau vom Landram ja gut funktionierte hier mal eine neue Übung.
Ich habe mir über den Puddlejumper von Martin Sänger ausgedruckt.
After the construction of Landram indeed worked well a new exercise here times .
I have a print out about the Puddlejumper of Martin Singer .



Re:puddle Jumper
« Antworten #21 am: 08. Februar 2014, 23:21:34 »
Nach einem Jahr
, ich war heute im Copyshop und wollte mal endlich was ausprobiernen.

Mein Gott..... am Ende des Abends habe ich jetzt endlich das Testobjekt fertig.
Schwierigkeiten hatte ich beim Knicken der ganz kleinen Teile und das der Kleber hält. Wenn er sich löst ist es ärgerlich. Da kann man noch so ordentlich ausschneiden. Da war es schön das ich einen zweiten oder dritten Bogen zur Verfügung hatte.
Dies hier ist jamein Testmodell im Maßstab 1/72. Hier habe ich nun schon mal die Frontscheibedurch Plastik ersetzt.
Das Papier war 300 er. Beim knicken und kleben kann sich auch schon mal eine Papierschicht lösen.
Da kann ich dann immer ganz laut schreien....
Das befreit ungemein.
After one year, whistle , I was now in the copy shop and wanted ausprobiernen what time finally .

My God ..... at the end of the evening I finally finished the test object .
I keeps the wrinkles of very small parts and the adhesive difficulties . If it comes off it's annoying . Since you can still cut so neatly . Since it was nice that I had a second or third sheet available .
This is here jamein test model in 1/72 scale . Here I have ever replaced the windshield by plastic .
The paper was 300 he . When bend and glue can sometimes even solve a paper layer .
Since then I can always scream out loud ....



Nun habe ich mal mit grün nach gestrichen, im Nachgang sehe ich im Blitzlicht fällt auf das die Farbe mehr ins gelbe geht. Na da ich mische ich nacher noch mal was an.
Mit dieser Bemalung gefällt er mir jetzt. So wird er bleiben. Morgen noch Klarlack und einige Dinge beim nächsten Bau etwas anders machen.

Now I have painted by having green , in the wake I see the flash light incident on the color goes into more yellow . Well I , I mix nacher again to what .
With this painting I like it now . So he will stay . Tomorrow make matters clear coat and some things on the next build something different.
Wow that's huge! And a great job too!! I built one in 1/48 scale with a scratchbuilt interior, and another in 1/35. This was the model that caused me to discover paper modeling, so it has a very special place in my heart:) If you'd like, I'll take some pics of them for you to see.
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I still haven't seen one of thee "greebled" properly, with the proper indentations, and proper interior. It would be nice. :)
Here are some pics of the two I built....The 1/48 scale PJ has the interior, not completely accurate, but it was meant to look good from the front windscreen, so that view covers up some innacuracies. The chairs were hand drawn and the first on was cut out from tiny pieces of cardboard - that was enough to convince me to make a mold and cast the rest in resin. The figures are from various Monogram kits, converted with epoxy putty, painted with acrylics. The bulk of the interior parts were cut from an extra print of the PJ's exterior, the light panels next to the figures were drawn on white card and painted with acrylics, and the instrument panel was painted by hand. The exterior parts were laminated onto cardboard, so I could replicate the blocky look of the surface, but I didn't go completely crazy with the engines. Same for the 1/35 version, except no interior. I have the files my friend enlarged to 1/35 scale, I wonder if Martin Saanger would let us post them on his site or here......Anyone interested in helping me get in touch with him - I obviously wouldn't do anything without his permission. The parts were just separated and enlarged , I believe on about 4 or 5 pages. And they lost absolutely none of the originals quality and the model fit together perfectly. IMG_5571.JPG IMG_5576.JPG IMG_5573.JPG IMG_5580.JPG IMG_5579.JPG IMG_5575.JPG
Thanks Micah! It was a really enjoyable project, and one day I might go back and put an interior in the big one too, just waiting for the right inspiration......And the time!
You can make the interior of this model without anybody's permission. You just list that it fits in side Martin Sainger's model, Reelle-Fan knows how to contact him, he may even offer host it on his site (better to keep it here!{just being greedy}), It would definitely be hosted here, that's a guarantee. I just want you to know people cannot prevent you from doing anything to a model they do not own the rights too. This nonsense explicit, implicit, blatant, must stop, there is no legal or moral basis for it. :)

P.S. Anyone want to debate this, start a new thread, and prepared to be thrashed, humiliated, and grow a tail to put between your legs, no quarter asked, none will be given. :)
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Thank you all for your very kind comments! Zathros, I didn't lay out and keep the parts of the interior I made, I kinda did them by eye, and made them up using some of the exterior parts. The file that I have is the parts designer by Martin, that were cut off the page and pasted and enlarged, I believe, in Photoshop by my friend. I do know he didn't do any alterations to the original parts except to enlarge them. It really makes the model easier to build at 1/35 scale! let me know if you want me to send them to you or Revell-Fan so they can be sent to Martin S. for his approval.
The other thing I did change was the two parts of the fuselage that jut out beyond the 'faceplate'.....I used extra printed parts and cardboard to thicken them up to look like the screen shots of the ship. This is not included in the enlarged kit, something you just need to do yourself, if you want to, of course!
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This is looking awesome, fellas! :)

I don't know if you know it, but @Rhaven Blaack (Chris) and I have been thinking of making an interior for the PJ. Your work looks great, mc! Of course I could help in getting it released as an add-on. I'm sure Martin will like it - and he will be quite surprised when I approach him with something not related to Buck Rogers! ;)

Martin doesn't want his models to be shared on another site other than his own and that has to be respected. In effect, that is no big deal since he likes it when people build his models and do something new with them. I could ask him if the add-on could be uploaded here as well (since it is not his full kit but an enhancement which only makes sense when you got the base model from his site first; it's the same like the Thunderfighter add-ons Chris and I have made; Martin never had any objections towards releasing the packages).

Chris sent me a few screenshots a while back. I'll have to dig them out and see how accurate the parts are you have created and how to further enhance the kit. IF we do it, we should go the full route and make the passenger area as well. That's what Chris wanted to do. However, this is a great start! :)
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Sounds awesome! Just be aware that all I have to contribute is the enlarged PJ parts, they're exactly the same as Martin's , just bigger and on several pages, so you can build a 1/35 scale Puddlejumper. I had some reference pics, I don't know if I still have them, but I'll look, and you're welcome to them,just some pics from the web. Should I send the file to you as a pm?
I have found the files Chris sent me. I almost forgot he had developed a way to make the thrusters movable, too. You can pull them out and push them in. In addition, the interior for the passenger area is almost complete. I guess together with your files we could make it work. I'll drop Chris a mail to inform him about our endeavour. :)