Star Wars lightsaber (new texture) under construction


Active Member
Aug 10, 2013
Alright, time to build some Star Wars-models. One or two at least.
I am starting with this build, something that will hopefully become Luke´s second lightsaber! :)

First off, the texture on the model I found was a little bit too cartoony, even though the model itself was beautiful!
A quick search on the Internet for some good textures of silver & copper and then some time spent in Photoshop made it ready to go!
I also moved some pattern parts around and that resulted in six sheets of paper instead of the initial eight being printed.

OK, let´s start this build! :)


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The template for the ring that attaches to a belt was static on the model I found, so I decided to change it and make it moveable.
Small parts are hard to work with but I knew I had to make it move!
If not for myself, then for my friends that would probably brake that part right away if it was only glued in place.
And I would like to keep this saber on display! :)


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Next came the button to switch it on and off. As this was also a piece just to be glued in place I decided to make it moveable as well!
I have to be able to turn my lightsaber on, right!?! :)


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After that it was time to glue on the small red & green lights (VERY small, got lots of glue on my fingers) and the top part of the ignitor.
As I had previously changed the texture to have two small silver screws, there was no need to build them (under the lights) and they were very small so that felt good!


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When it was time to add the six outer bottom parts (wings) to the bottom inner part (the tube itself) I went online to see if there was a specific order to their placement.
And it was! I had no idea about this, but apparently the part (wing) with the triangle-shaped ring in it is supposed to lean a bit to the left so the tip of it meets the left "wall" of the on/off/ignitor-part.
Luckily I found a great drawing/blueprint that showed the exact spots where each part (wing) was supposed to be attached!


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Then it was time for all the many similar parts! So many! And tricky to get them just right!
Time is your friend in these moments of repetition that I love (and when I say "love", I mean "can hardly stand"), as I have to start over as soon as a part is done.
NINE times! But it got done! :)


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After all the similar parts were finished, it was time to glue them all together. While keeping the "tower" being built in a straight line!
The parts that meet are white in this texture-version as the original ones that were all black were going to take to much ink from my printer.
I have no problem getting new ink, but if I can save some, why not?! :)

After they were all glued together I added the (new texture) shiny copper parts and...


  • Saber07.jpg
    154.8 KB · Views: 10´s done! I have a lightsaber!! :)

On the top part I changed the texture to contain two holes (as seen on the "real" prop), one on the side of the very top part and one on the very top where the beam is supposed to come out. The holes go into the parts, with tubes glued to them from the other side, the side one not so deep, the top one a little bit deeper.

The original patterns for this model are fantastic and the person who created this saber has my deepest respect!
Totally amazing that this could be constructed out of paper! :)

Now, let´s build a display stand for it...


  • Saber08.jpg
    176.6 KB · Views: 10 I can show it to my friends! :)

The stand parts were actually part of the build patterns, so I just printed them and glued them all together!
Again, it´s great that someone actually took the time to create these patterns for me to find!!

With everything done, it´s just a question of putting the saber on the display stand...


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To Rhaven Blaack;
Thank you! Always nice to be able to to customize the build a little bit so it will be one of a kind! :)

To Rogerio Silva;
Thank you so much!! :)

To Draegor;
Thanks! This model is life size! Of course... :)

To Revell-Fan;
Thank you very much! :) Oh, the amazing "V"-blaster from you and Rhaven Blaack is just two builds away! And yes, I have a long list of things to build! :)
Wow! Great to hear that you are tackling the V blaster. Please let me add one thing before you start making it: The connection between the front and back part of the blaster may be a bit weak because it consists only of one small tube and a trapezoid structure. I thought of revising the kit and trying to at least make the laser tube run from front to the back of the barrel. That would increase stability a lot, but I would have to see how the internal formers would have to look like then. So if you tackle it, you may give it a try and insert a longer tube and cut the formers to shape or create some kind of stabilizer of your own. :wave:
To Revell-Fan;
Sure, I will certainly do what I can when I get to that, it´s a model I really want to build so I will (with your permission) do what I can to stabilize it! :)
Just two more builds now before I finally get to that precious V-blaster on my list!
First an AT-ST Scout Walker for a friends birthday and then the Lawgiver from Judge Dredd (1995) to complete my "movie prop kit" with badge, law book and gun on a plaque!
And I am halfway through with the AT-ST build! :)
You see, I have a thing for Star Wars...