Star Wars Death Star

Neal Holloway

New Member
Feb 11, 2015
United States
This is my attempt at building the Death Star. It seems to be a fairly simple layout and goes together really well. After deciding which pattern I wanted to use I started by purchasing two halves of a styrofoam ball measuring 12" in diameter. As you can see once the panels were glued together they pretty much slipped right over the stryofoam halves. The beauty of this is that if I screw up I can always reprint the panels and start over. The template does not call for a trench so I am attempting to design and build my own using thin cardboard cut into two circles. I could sure use some pointers so feel free to critic my work. I'll post more as go.
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This looks very good! I have the template, too. It looks very nice when finished.
It's amazing you got that surface so smooth, leaving that tabs on!! Many here cut them off, leaving the parts then able to be on the same plane, you then construct your own tabs, glue to one side, and finish gluing by abutting the next piece right up next to it, on the same plane, so we use tabs, just in a different manner. You sphere came out excellent though!! ;)
I build one by myself several years ago:

STAR WARS DEATH STAR continuation:

Hello Everybody, I just stopped by to see everyone and update my post on building the death star. Here's what I've accomplished to date.

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As one can see I have gotten the panels on the styrofoam halves. Not only did the styrofoam give the panels support, they also helped in attaching the panels to each other.
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THE TRENCH: I stated in my earlier post that I would attempt to make a trench for the death star. this has turned out to be a project in itself. Not having any clear reference photos to go by I just winged it and made my own. To make the trench I used the bulkhead strips off of a Republic Star Destroyer Template and then glued them around the cardboard circles. I had to cut notches to get the shape. After adding supports trough the middle I glued the two pieces together. Noe everybody knows that cardboard leaves rough holey edges. T solve this issue i used the grey strips provided with the template and placed them around the edge of the cardboard. By making the strips wider it made a lip for the two halves of the death star to sit in and cover up the glue joints. More to follow folks. It's almost done..........I hope.
It's comng out great Neal. Winging it is all we can do sometimes. :)
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Not everything, but I always try. :)

Your "trying" is inspirational. Your modesty is self evident. Your ventures produce much joy for many people. I wish I had a record like yours. I have a whole forum that seem to hate me, and I still don't know exactly why? Oh well, I'm happy that you grace this forum with your presence, support of the members. I am grateful for that. I guess if I was so bad, you wouldn't be posting here. I'm not the only person, obviously, who greatly admires your work. Thanks for posting here. :)