Star Trek: TNG:- Wolf 359 Diorama - micro build log

@spaceagent-9 lol - I've given myself a medal:-

@blueyeppoon Thank-you very much :)

The parts for the nacelles that I've used are these:-
The bussard pieces in the original design are unworkable at this scale so I've used blobs of blu tac, shaped and coloured red. And 3 1/2 hours later:-
Ideally the saucer section should have an internal disc of thick card as it got a bit misshapen when connecting the neck. The secondary hull needed a massive amount of poking, prodding and wrestling to knock it into a proper shape - the nacelle struts especially were kind of like a donkey's hind leg. The end result is a USS Yamaguchi measuring 2 1/2" from bow to stern and I'm very pleased with this length - I was expecting it to be closer to 4"!
I blows my mind to see people (like you) building such small models like that!!!
You did a FANTASTIC JOB!!!
@Rhaven Blaack Many thanks Rhaven :). If you think that one is small you'll love this one:-

So that's two down, eleven to go and since I'm working on the most complicated/intricate/fiddly ones first, next up is the USS Bonestell. The vast majority of the parts from the original design are redundant at this scale - no internal support is required and many parts need a microscope to see them!
I thought it might be interesting to show a comparison of the original design build with it's 'Mini Me' ;):-
I'm not following the instructions this time - that would be an exercise in futility. Instead I'm picking out the largest parts and, using the larger model as a guide, attaching smaller parts as necessary:-
The problem this time is the lightness of the printout; without my magnifying specs I wouldn't have a hope! lol
Before starting the next ship I've attached the USS Princeton to the backdrop. There's no point attaching the Borg cube yet as I still have loads of electronics to fit inside it. It is, however, well out of my furry Doomsday Machine's grasp though!
I've glued the Wolf 359 system onto an artist's canvas panel (basically 4mm thick, dense cardboard) which is propped up on a balsa frame. It's also easy enough to bore through with an awl while retaining the strength to hold the wire supports for the ships.

Now I've started on Paragon's Cheyenne class USS Ahwahnee. This is another of the ships that I've decided will be undamaged. So far the parts for the upper half of the hull have been cut:-
This model only has three pages of parts at full size and it looks like I'll be using all the parts for a change ;). I've left the tiniest bits in situ for the moment so that they don't blow away when I breathe out - lol. I'll be using thin paper strips again for joining adjacent pieces.
This is the completed upper saucer (the lower is also built and looks very similar):-
I decided to work on the nacelles before the struts. The brown and blue parts of the larger pieces will be removed and have the separate pieces inset by gluing them on the back.
The tiny pieces in my previous entry had to be discarded as I had glued all the saucer parts before remembering that they should have been glued to the back of them - I must admit that I doubt very much that I could have cut the 'windows' with any kind of accuracy anyway.
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WOW! I just went through this thread and feel like almost missed out on the party! I don't even know where to start. This collection is really awesome. Your Borg Cube has real promise, like one of the best Borg cubes I've seen. Same goes for the rest and as to working in that scale, well, those days long gone me thinks! I am anxious to see the final presentation! :)
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you can punch out the windows with a eyeglass screw driver, against a block of wood, then fill with glue, hot glue or back with typing paper.
looks awesome so far. like zathros said, just cant compliment you enough on your work.
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@zathros @spaceagent-9 Many thanks to both of you :).

I had a lot of stuff to do for the Olds today so I don't have much progress to report. The blue LED arrived today and then I found that all my PP3 batteries were dead and I had to run into town for replacements. Unfortunately I then had to help with the installation of a security camera system which took until 10pm to finish. Anyhoo, the nacelles are ready to be fixed and the parts for the struts are cut:-
As always, I have a handful of bits and no idea where they're supposed to go. I've studied Paragon's build pics and I'm none the wiser so now I'm off to scour interwebland for more reference pics.
Since Paragon is a member here, how about sending him a PM and ask him where the parts go.
He is really good about getting back to people and answering questions (especially those that pertain to his models).
@Rhaven Blaack Thanks for the suggestion :). I finished off before I got your message though - oops!
There seems to be no consensus with this ship - pick ten sources and you'll get ten configurations! So I took the bits I wasn't sure of and put them where I thought they looked OK ;)
The result is a USS Ahwahnee at a tiny fraction over 2" long:-
I hope it does the Ahwahneechee proud :).