Shamus - Health update

It's good to hear from you again. It's got to be tough, but hang in there, the more you try, the easier it gets so let's hope you're around more often now that you have access to your computer.

Oh yeah, and thank David for keeping us all updated.
Glad to hear from you again. Everytime I see a new post on this thread, I open it with some trepidation, but one of the great advantages of the internet to me is that we can make friends with people we have never met face to face from all over the world, and I count you as one who has enriched my life with your kind and gracious demeanor and inspired me with your modeling skills.
Just in case anyone wants more info, here's what Paul posted on AMR:
Hello all, and thanks for the kind words. David (Qube) arrived home last Tuesday and set up my computer on the dining room table, so I can at least now get to the table from my downstairs bed and chairs once a day.

I am going into a hospice soon for a blood transfustion as my blood count is 8 and it should be 14.

Also I bought an Wii player so my dear wife and I can at least play games whilst I am in my chair or bed.

Well thats the news so far, I am unable to walk even one step and have the oxygen nose (Thingy LOL) stuck in there 24/7 on 4 litres. Oh happy days.

Cheers all.

Qube (David), should keep everyone updated there and either Mikey or myself will pass that on here.
Hi Guys,

Thanks guys, most welcome.

Just got back from an overnight stay in the Hospice, (Nice place single room all to myself and a telly) had the two lots blood dripped at 3 to 4 hours each and they say I should feel better soon.. At least I have some colour back in my skin, as It was white before LOL,


Here's the latest from David (Qube) on AMR:

Shamus has his worse bad days and his better day days. There are no good days where he can walk around. The good days mean he can get out of his armchair, into a wheel chair and go on the computer for a while.

Without Mum (my favourite fossil
), Dad would not be able to cope alone. She's doing a wonderful job and Dad is making the most of his better days. They're still enjoying playing Nintendo Wii which is good to break up the menotany of watching TV alone and it's something they can enjoy together.

Apart from that, not much is new. I do plan on going over again in January for another visit
Until the next time,