scratch build paper model of the new xwing

StarForce 2015 Toruń Poland













Of course all models built from the ground up with paper

You have raised the Bar very hard. Your work is professional, and just blows me away!! Thank You so much for posting this thread. Two models are ahead of you, however, after their stay on the home page, this will be the next "Model of Merit". Rightly so, I may add. ;)
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Absolutely "MIND BLOWING" builds. This reminds me of the models that they used to build for the original three Star Wars movies before everyone decided to go all CG. Completely amazing. These are Lucas Films Museum quality. My hat off to you for your design and building talents.

You have raised the Bar very hard.

So, keeping in the desert scheme of this thread, we will see this model, after 2 grains of sand, of the Zealot MOMM timer .......


And well worth the wait ....... :Congrats::Bravo::):);)
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I like to give people time to appreciate the work of the members who make it to the "Front Page'. Your model is so awesome, I had to keep it up long. Monday, or some day next week, the next model goes up. This one is also exceptional, and is actually a collection of works, compiled to create a reality. ;)
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Maybe someday i will be able to show my models to forum members LIVE.
That would be nice. Start making them any bigger, and you will be able to fly here!! :)
The film's not even out yet and you are manufacturing new style X-wings in triplicate! Great work! What occurred to me when seeing the new X-wing in the trailers is how short the fuselage is compared to the classic version. Then I remembered the original Kenner toy fudged the proportions on the nose section. Could J.J. Abrams's childhood memories be guiding the new design?
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