Scratch-Bashed Service station

Dave Harris

Feb 20, 2001
Las Vegas Nv.
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Here is a little HO project I did a while back .
It was made from a few scraps of a Plasticville suburban house , odds & ends & a bit of brass. The gas pumps & all the accessories , except the Pepsi cooler are scratched, the tires are O rings with tread added to them.I made trhe corrugated steel for the doors with my corrugated steel making tool that I think I showed on here, the aluminum foil was weathered with olive oil.
There was a real wooden bucket with a wringer & a chamois sitting on the pump island but it went south somehow --rats. Oh well ---the wood trash barrel & the tire testing trough made of wood are still there. The signs & logos I copied & reduced from an Eastwood catalog.
I hope you like it.


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That is an outstanding job!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
Great Great work!!!
Everything looks awesome....but since you mentioned the tires, how did you put the treads on them? They look perfect

That is an outstanding job!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
Great Great work!!!
Everything looks awesome....but since you mentioned the tires, how did you put the treads on them? They look perfect


Thanks , always nice to hear people like what one does.

Tread?? I just give one of my little people one of those electric re-grooving tools & put em to work!!sign1

What I do is heat up a piece of screen wire or a file that I don't care too much about with a butane torch till its hot enough to melt the rubber O ring & then roll it across it. Perhaps one day I'll post a thread & pics on it if anyone is interested
What I do is heat up a piece of screen wire or a file that I don't care too much about with a butane torch till its hot enough to melt the rubber O ring & then roll it across it. Perhaps one day I'll post a thread & pics on it if anyone is interested

Yes, please do. That's a very clever idea! I was just looking at Earl Smallshaw's website the other day, specifically at a little jig one of the members of the Hartford Workshop had made to turn aluminum foil into corrugated sheet metal. Creativity abounds! I'm glad we have these forums (and the internet) to share this information that was once strictly the domain of magazines & club publications. Thanks for your contributions.
Wow. really masterful work! Terrific detail everywhere. I especially like your colors and finishes - very authentic and convincing. Ingenious idea for the tire treads! :)

An aside - who is the manufacturer of that scale convertible (which looks like maybe a '46-'48 Ford?)?
Yes, please do. That's a very clever idea! I was just looking at Earl Smallshaw's website the other day, specifically at a little jig one of the members of the Hartford Workshop had made to turn aluminum foil into corrugated sheet metal. Creativity abounds! I'm glad we have these forums (and the internet) to share this information that was once strictly the domain of magazines & club publications. Thanks for your contributions.

Ok , I'll try & do something about the tire treads next week/
As far as the corrugated metal -- I posted a picture & description how to build a tool to make all one wants using aluminum foil

Heres the thread.
Wow. really masterful work! Terrific detail everywhere. I especially like your colors and finishes - very authentic and convincing. Ingenious idea for the tire treads! :)

An aside - who is the manufacturer of that scale convertible (which looks like maybe a '46-'48 Ford?)?

That is one of Classic Metal Works Mini metals cars. I don't know if it is still in production. They make very good HO vehicles.
Thanks for the link! I'm familiar with Classic Metal Works, but have never seen that one before, so I'm afraid you might be right that it's out of production.
Nice work! I am curious about

Can you elaborate?



What you do is coat the foil with olive oil , then hold it over a flame ( gas stove) till the heat makes the oil smoke , when it reaches the color you want --it's done . Really simple & quick.

Nachoman --- I guess the era would be the early 50's ,thats about the period I strive to portray.

MasonJar --- I just realized that there were TWO types of corrugated metal on this building & they were not treated the same way.
The pieces on the WINDOW were treated in Ferric Chloride etchant , it is made by Archer & available at Radio Shack. The aluminum foil is imersed in it till it reaches the state of deterioration desired & then rinsed in water to stop the action.

The rear door was treated with olive oil.