Rs-11 Oops!


Jun 6, 2004
Scottdale, PA
Do you have a boobie prize for modeling oop's, if you do I get this time. Having just finished painting and decaling that Model Power RS-11 this weekend, I know I said I wasn't doing a total rebuild this time but while I had it stripped I removed the steam gen., put new horns on, and filled in some hood vents that's when the light should have went off.
NYC RS-11's did not have Dyn. Brakes, dah, I should have removed them while it was stripped, it will be alot harder now that it's painted. I knew grab irons, handrails and pilots could be done later, but this deserves the prize. Oh well live and learn!:eek:ops::eek:ops::eek:ops::curse:

I realized this looking a some pictures last night, should have looked at them beforehand.

Go ahead, bash me!!!
I had a P2K GP9 custom painted Chessie(C&O)...When I chose the number I made a mistake I picked 6014 which is a exC&O GP9 that went to the B&O..The real 6014 was painted Chessie(B&O) while my 6014 is sub lettered C&O. :cry: :eek:ops:
I know the difference where most non C&O modelers doesn't and it bugs me to no end.
Cut out the dynamics, and then put in a prepaitne panel. Prepaint this panel gray, silver, and light specks of rust; Certianly not every unit is fresh out of the shop or all in one piece? And painting everytime something gets dented?
Thanks for all the positive words and encouragement, but I still deserve the prize because I been in this hobby too long to make that mistake and it will bug me till I fix it.:cry:
Been there done that with many of the RS-3's for the exhaust stack and positioning it correctly and using the right shape! What did I do? Well some I changed and touched up the paint and weathered accordingly. A couple of others, just left alone to see if anyone would notice. Did they? Nope.

Personally, I would not worry about it....