Robin the latest


May 14, 2001
Alberton . South Africa
Hi Guys and Dolls..... I am now in Georgetown after 3 weeks in England, so my first port of call was to see Robin who is now at home.
It saddens me to say that he looks very poorly and not the man that I visited 3 years ago.
He has asked me to dismantle his layout, which I will start doing after the Thanksgiving weekend.
I will now keep you posted as to his health and progress, and what transpires as to what is being sold or donated My e-mail address whilst I am here ( 5 months ) Please feel free to e-mail me
I just got off the phone with Letty, Robin's wonderful wife.
She says Robin tires easily and is not up to visitors. I had planned on seeing Robin on Oct. 23rd, but it is not to be.

Robin's daughter Cindy dropped off a package with my wife Cecilia. It contained about 3 dozen of Robin's amazing cerealboard buildings. I will attempt to find homes for these on the CVR. Those that are not of the correct era will be donated, on Robin's behalf, to the Muskoka Model Railroad Club's N Scale division. Hopefully we can incorporate some of the structures onto our modular N Scale layout so that they can be enjoyed for quite some time. I will post pictures on my website later tonight.

Thank you Robin for sharing your artwork with others.
Will_annand said:
Robin's daughter Cindy dropped off a package with my wife Cecilia. It contained about 3 dozen of Robin's amazing cerealboard buildings. I will attempt to find homes for these on the CVR.
You are indeed fortunate. Those will be a living monument to a great man and modeler. His name should join the other greats, including John Armstrong himself. I just wish the circumstances were different. :(
I will preface this by saying that I did not know Robin but feel I do after reading his many posts that are in the archieve - What a creative man!
Will - You are what I believe all here have hoped for in that much of Robin's work will continue to stay together - I can see now that we all will see a lot of Robin as you complete your layout - what a gift to you but above all what a gift to model railroading -
I went to your site and saw that gift he has imparted on you for all of us to enjoy -
A train just went by outside - WOW - a shiver just went through me - WOW!!!
Please let him know that we all are thinking of him and praying for him - even some of us who have just gotten to know about him -
Will - nice that you could find a home on your layout for some of Robin's great work. And the club will give the rest a wide audience so we can all better appreciate Robin's fine talent.

Thank you for the update guys.

Just in case some people here have missed this, the Gauge has added a section to the Academy for Robin's work. There are just a whole lot threads that show how he used his amazing talant to build his beloved structures. If you find any that we missed and should be there, please contact Mikey (N Gauger) or any of the mods so it can be moved as well.
Don.... What a fitting memorial to a great Modeler Many thanks to those envolved in putting together all of Robins many articles, together they make a very inpressive show, and will inspire many scratch builders into the future. I am sure someone inspired by his work,style, and method of presentation will take up the challenge and attemp to step into his shoes ,no mean task