Robert Guyett has passed away


New Member
Oct 22, 2003
calgary alberta
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It is with regret that we inform you that Robert Guyett has passed away January 18, 2004. He appreciated all of your help, those of you whom he was in contact with. Please feel free to give any more ideas and thoughts as his son, Shawn will be taking over the train set. His email is Thank you.:cry:
Originally posted by rguyett
It is with regret that we inform you that Robert Guyett has passed away January 18, 2004. He appreciated all of your help, those of you whom he was in contact with. Please feel free to give any more ideas and thoughts as his son, Shawn will be taking over the train set. His email is Thank you.:cry:

I consider him a friend of mine. Many a night we would stay talking on the chats about various topics. I for one will (as I have in his recent absence) miss him. He was a good modeller and a good person.

Shawn, I'm not certain if you will read this, but I too have lost my father at a young age (I was 16) and I know exactly what it is you are going through. As you, I too shared many interests with him and suffered greatly at his passing. I know it is difficult for you, and the pain never really goes away. All I can say is that with time you will be better equipped to deal with it. It has been 13 years for me and I still feel the loss. :(

If there is anything you would like to talk to me about regarding this matter, or if there is anything I can help with, feel free to email me at:

With deepest condolences,
Dear Shawn,

On behalf of The Gauge community, I wish to offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Robert.

May he Rest in Peace

Yours sincerely
Dave Hagan

My deepest condolences on the loss of your father. My father passed away when I was 12, but among the many legacies he left me was a love for railroads and model railroading. Always remember the good things. Cherished memories are more precious than diamonds.

A sad time for you and your family Shawn but it was a blessing that you and he could enjoy model railroading together even though it was for such a short time. Your Dad will be missed.
To the Guyette family...My sincerest condolences. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

My sincerest condolences. My father and I also shared the model railroading hobby. I lost my Father way back in 1972 and I am now a year older than he was when he passed away. Perhaps it would be of some comfort for you to know that even after all of these years some of my fondest and dearest memories are of those cold, snowy Chicago weekends when my Dad and I would be in that warm, spare room running trains on the ol' B. & E. E. R. R. Nowadays when I'm alone running a train on my layout I can honestly say that sometimes I can "feel" my Dad standing right beside me and all seems well.
I was very saddened to hear the news of his passing, and I wish to express my condolences to Shawn and the rest of his family. I only talked to Robert once one the phone, but I still consider him to be a friend who I will miss.

I think you will find there's a family here who also mourns the loss, and a family that will welcome you, and help you take over the "train". I can't think of a better way to honor your father, than to help you carry on in his place. When you are ready to come on board, we'll be here.
Shawn, this is indeed sad news. I've enjoyed sharing many conversations with your Dad. He was a fine man and we will all miss him.

We're here but for a little while
We live, we love, we weep, we smile
And when at last we say goodbye
We ride that big train in the sky

My sincere condolences to you and your family.