Request for ideas to enhance this old table

I guess I don't have to answer the tank question now. That is a very distinctive tank, nicely built. I don't remember seeing the like of it in any of the pictures I've seen over the years. (that doesn't mean it never happened, only that I've never seen it) Good excuse to occasionally park a tank car there to replenish the fuel supply.
sumpter250..I beleive he may have scratchbuilt the oil tank structure, guessing from the parts on it and the stock of materials he had in a box. Tho it could have been a kit as most the other structures seem to be kit built.

There is a tanker car to refill that storage tank, tho I think the car may be out-of-era.


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Don't know for sure what the prototype for the elevated tank could be, however, the oil storage is a likely scenario. Most elevated oil/gas tanks don’t have spherical ends, propane tanks do but I’m not aware of any propane fired steam locos. I like the oil tank scenario because it would let you expand your engine stable with a few early diesels if you so desire. Speaking of which. What do YOU desire for the layout?

Do you want mountains? Do you want SW Michigan? Great Lakes? Have you a specific RR in mind to model or do you want to freelance? Let us know what your heart desires for your RR and that would help us help you. It’s your journey.

With what you’ve spoken of so far, I’d agree with the others that water under the bridge would be a good feature. With this feature at the “back” of your layout, I wouldn’t expend a lot of energy on a deep gorge. You won’t be able to see it from most viewpoints on the layout. I like the swamp or “delta” idea. This could lead into a backdrop of a lake in the distance framed by mountains or hills and could give your backdrop a great sense of depth. Carry the “stream” through the layout and connect it to one of the other sides so it will grab a viewer’s attention and lead them into the composition of the layout.

You might want to consider adding a spur or two to the engine yard. One to the west of the existing could house some industries. The existing one could then have an engine shed on the end of it and a new spur to the east could house the water tower and coal tower and you could add a sanding tower or other intermediate servicing yard accouterments.

TR-Flyer.....He may have found the tank thing and gone from there, who knows?? <shrug> Good point about the ends tho.

What do *I* want...well...

I'm not interested in specific road names, but would like to stick to the era, which I believe is roughly the fifties. I'm thinking about what this town is and what might be beyond it? Maybe it's a small rural type town, that would have a depot, the school, post office, general store, a few houses.....

I would like to have some large hills or mountains in the backdrop. I like the idea of mountain lake/stream coming from the backdrop onto the table(good idea TR)..maybe to a pond on the farm on the westside then a creek out of there across the table..thats a definite possibility.

I'm very hesitant about messing with any of the rails, either raising the west side lines for elevation or adding spurs, because of the age of the cork and what about matching the brass track? Can you still buy brass track? Or should I use nickel and age all the track so you can't tell the diff? Boy tho it would really be cool to be able to build a mountain/hill into the backdrop and have a tunnel over there. And it would be cool also to add to the yard ....

Still running at the Thanks for the suggestions
Brassed off

Brass track is still available for anyone who wants it. It is 100% compatible with nickle-silver and even steel if you get the same size. I expect you have code 100, which means the rail is .100" high. This is the commonest size, still used in train sets. Unless the cork has shrunk badly, new cork should match it. If you can find a sheet of 1/4" cork, you can cut blocks for your turnouts as fiddling it from the roadbed is a hassle.
Check your local library for old model railroad books -- 50s or 60s era -- and they may show you what your father did. (I bought one from the Dearborne library used book sale, so don't ask them.)
As they stated in other links, brass rail conducts slightly better, but brass oxide doesn't conduct while nickle-silver oxide does. (run a piece of that under your scanner -- I bet NO silver!)