Progress in the pits....


Oct 3, 2005
Troy MI
Hi all,

Remember this thread?

In it I showed an area I was working on. I've since made some progress and would like to share.

I guess you would call these coal/limestone bins. I want to park hoppers loaded with coal and limestone flux (flux is rocks about the size of two fists) over these pits for unloading.


This project is far from done. In fact, in picture 4 of 5 you can see the stucco patch is still wet. I plan to make piles of coal and limestone by first carving the piles out of foam and smoothing stucco patch over the foam piles. You can see that I have already done this. When the stucco patch is dry, my plan is to spray paint the area in black and light grey auto primer, one color for each pile. Next I'll pour and glue some WS ballast in appropriate colors over that.



When I slid the module back under the track, removed ties and set the kilns back in place, I was happy with the look. When I spotted my first two Detroit and Mackinac (formerly CSX) 3 bay hoppers over the pit, I wept.

It looked so good.

It never ceases to amaze me how the grungy colors, rough texture and skewed angles of the pre-EPA industrialist's structures can look so beautiful.


I think I'll be putting red and yellow light in the kilns to see if I can simulate fire. Ideas on how to do this, or any other suggestions or critiques are always welcome.


Here you can really see how I have remarked the CSX herald with the DM. ( I imagine this is historically backwards, as DM preceeded CSX, but I suppose those hoppers could have been of the former Michigan Central RR.) Who's gonna know? aussie

Hi Kyle,

What kind of facility are you modeling there? It sems to be a smelter of sorts...
Also, your new camera has done wonders for your models..!! Previous posts made them look kinda' "grungy", but this new camera really brings them out...!!! Congrats !!:thumb:
Lookin' good Kyle, :thumb: you've made quite a bit of progress. I'm a big fan of industrial architecture, too, especially where you can see something going on. And your smokestacks turned out really well. Nice work!

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

I REALLY appreciate the feedback. Say, is it about time to start another "Freight Car of the Week?"

Oh, and Gus....

I've never seen coke oven, or a lime kiln.... so this is my best guess as to what might have been used to burn coke and limestone into potash.

I'd love to find a site about potash.... as it was one of the three main products of MICH. ALKALI CO., the industry I model....
lester perry said:
Very nice work Kyle. Keep sending updates

Here's the latest...

Others felt the bridge needed more support and a guard rail, so I first removed the module from the layout so I could work on it away from the trains....


... and here below you see those additions sprayed with primer. Next I will add some red glow lights, paint, ballast and weeds.

Great work Kyle, your a modeler after my on intrest.....heavy industry. You made a comment about pictures of my latest scratch build,a E-crane. Should have pictures with in the coming days.

Anyhow keep up the good work,looks really good. I need an industry like the one you have pictured,can't have a blast furnace without flux or burnt lime.

Dragon River Steel Corp {DRSC}