Picking On The Little Guys

Hmmm... ALCO FA1s were gone by 1970, and never saw the R&Y scheme. Either it's a "unique" model of an FA1 in the wrong color scheme

(Tyco is not the only one to do this! Look before you leap!),

a PA1 (which the RI never owned - of course they never owned an SW7, either, but that didn't stop Athearn from making one!),

or it's imaginary (like Rory said - Hi Rory!), or ... didn't someone made a cab unit that looked somewhat similar to the ALCO ?? Baldwin ???

Well, just call it a RI modification done at Silvas !!!

- George
Hard to get a good look at the nose with the styrofoam in the way, but it looks like it could be a Baldwin RF-16 (the Sharknose loco).

And for those of you interested, I do model in HO: I have the Tyco Silver Streak loco and caboose sitting on display. ;)

Well, that's what happens when you take too long to type in your post. Someone else beats you to it.:(
Thanks, everyone. And no, there was no description. And it wouldn't surprise me if it was "fictitious" - i.e., a prototype that was never used by the ROCK. But hey, whatever, I still think it'll look kewl in a consist with my E8's. Maybe I'll get more info when it arrives, or take some more photos.

I was looking through the closed auctions for Rock Island and found this same loco,it didn't give a decription but had a front end picture(Item#1706634675) It looks almost like a DL109 from about midway up,So mabe a DL109 and an FA met up on a lonely siding on a moonlite nite.......................................:rolleyes:

Just kidding... the guy who picked this up paid more than I would ever pay for a older Tyco ($125.00) He also bought the matching caboose (Item#1706637935) for $25.00.But then maybe he knows something I dont Either way you got a unique engine.

I did find a silver express car like the HO Crown car in N-Scale and a MOW car that I'll be watching.

No, the RI never owned any Baldwin RF16s, but you can think of it as a "trial" loco, Mike! It should look good (and unique!) with your consists!

It's interesting (and troubling!) that makers make such mistakes:

Tyco with the non-existant "RI" Baldwin RF16, Athearn with the never had "SW7" , and even P2K (SW9 #778 was never in the black scheme)! And I don't want to even THINK about all the rolling stock errors I've noticed !!!

The info on which locos the ROCK had, and even what color schemes a certain road number had is either in the RIL books or on the web! And a good amount of info on rolling stock, too!

I just "traced" the history of my current RI fleet (thanks to Marre's book and Jeff's web site). Interesting to see the changes some of them underwent. My "Rocket" E8A (#654), for example, started out in the Red/Maroon/White Rocket scheme (2a) in 1952, went to a red/silver version (2c(1)), then to Maroon (5a), and finally was in Maroon and Yellow (6a) at shutdown in 1980!

The ROCK is such a COLORFUL line !!! ;)

And it's the BEST "road to ride" !!!!


- George

We must be on the same brain link as I was going to mention the RI#652 as it follwed the same paint schemes as the #654 but went on to be painted in the bicentenial scheme.

I have been working on my E8 and B-units I had to put ficticous numbers on the B-units since they are actualy PB1 units, but its my railroad and I can get away with it.

I'm going to start my MOW train but can't deside if I want it maroon or yellow I might go with the yellow to add color to the layout.I'll have to repaint some cars If I dont like the Yellow I can always repaint it.But if I go yellow then the era would have to be pre 1950 so I'll go with the maroon with a couple of yellow cars like the caboose and tanker and maybe the box car.

Look'n good, Shane !!!


I want to try the Maroon - Yellow wings version once I get another E8A (Can't bear to cover-up the Rocket scheme on the one I have!).

- George

(Who's FINALLY on Spring Break! Yea!)
The yellow E8 makes the fourth one for the lay-out. I do have two #654's in the rocket scheme but dont have the heart to repaint paint it.I have been wanting to change the number to #630 to match my coffee cup.

I like to do the detail work on the models and the layout more than I like watching them run on the lay-out.Mostly because my layout wont be done until probrobly 2010 at the rate I'm going.

I do most of my work in the winter when work is slow I also like to work on it late at night when everyone is in bed sleeping and its totaly quite except for the crackle of the wood stove and the dogs breathing.I do get a visit from the cats once in a while but their just making sure I dont mess up their sleeping spots.They love the mountian:confused: .

Shane -

Sounds like a cosy, warm, comfortable way to work on the models!

I have no cats (my wife is allergic, or I would), and my daughter's 'keets stay upstairs, so my layout is "safe".
I get most of my layout work done during the summers, when I'm not teaching. Just do minor things in Fall and Winter - rolling stock and small layout additions, mainly.

I'm just thinking about starting to paint locos. I have only painted buildings and made "touch ups" on rolling stock, so far. But if I'm going to have that Red-yellow E8, I've gotta get into this!

I've "pulled" off a cheap plan for a spray booth off the Atlas and Yahoo forums, but don't have an airbrush yet. Do you have one? If so, what make and model do you recommend? Are there other things I might need?

- George
I've got a Badger 350 which is about the most basic spray gun and easy to use.I'm still using the propel in the cans,I cant see buying a $150.00 air compressor yet and havent set it up on my big air compressor I use for for my nail guns at work.And the thought of running 50' of hose through the house might get the wife up in arms,as tolerant as she is I think that might be the cut off line:mad: .

My spray booth is just a simple card board box.I have a clamp light with a reflector on it which provides more than enough light.

If your going to get a spray gun dont go cheap.I did on my first one and regreted it then I got the Badger.The thing I like about it is that you can buy more jars for it.I also have medium and fine tips the fine being the most used.I think I paid $25.00 dollars for the gun and $12.50 for the fine tip.

I only use the Polly scale water-based paints they have a super selection of colors so you can usauly find the color you need.They even have Rock Island maroon.

If theres one thing I can stress.Is to keep your gun clean.I hand clean my tip after every spraying dont let your gun sit for more than ten minutes or the paint will dry and it'll riun your day.I dont use the gun to clean itself because I think that its a waste of propel.

I could go on for hours about spraying but wouldn't want to scare you out of it,Once you get a spray gun you'll love it,It'll become your most used tool.

The propelant likes to freeze so keep it in a bowl of luke warm water when your spaying,(one of your wifes favorite mixing bowls will work nicely ;) )

That and some practice you'll be a pro in no time.

I was able to prime some of my work train this afternoon,Now I've got to do the finish color's,or I might clean up the rails and send the E8 and B-units on down the line.

Thanks for the info, Shane!

Sounds like Badger is what I need.

The spray booth instructions I got off the net call for one of those large plastic storage boxes. One installs a kitchen exhaust fan (induction motor, so no sparks) and dryer ducting to the side (which becomes the top). It has a furnace filter between the spray area and the fan to catch paint particulates. It was designed by a ventilation engineer! I picked up the storage box at Target on sale for $7. Hopefully I can get a fan for ~ $20 or so, and then some ducting and a small furnace filter. Sounds like a trip to Lowe's is needed soon. Overall, this booth seems like a relatively cheap but safe way to go!

I wonder if one can attach an airbrush to one of those refillable air tanks they sell for inflating car tires, etc. ? If so, it would save on buying air cans! Don't know what problems with pressure there might be, though.

Any thoughts ???

Also -

When you repaint a model, do youi strip it first, paint over the other scheme, or do you use undecorated models? If you strip it, what do you use ???

- George
From what I've heard the cannisters are the way to go. I was lucky enough to come into an airbrush a couple weeks ago - my wife's stepfather (what's that, like my stepfather-in-law???) had an extra one, so gave me his older Paasche dual-action airbrush, *and* a small air compressor. Gotta like that, hey???

Been a little scared to use it still, but definitely the next time I need to paint something, out it comes.

Also allows me to change my bday request from my wife to an intro DCC model...............

I've thought about the air tank but havent got one yet,the only problem I can see is that you'd have to put a regulator on it which I dont think would be too difficult. I've also thought about a conversion kit for a propane cylinder with a regulator.

For most paint projects I try to use undecorated models but some times I have what I want in my junk box or I look for an "easy paint" one with not much detail to begin with.The newer stuff thats out has real thin paint for lettering so a coat of primer usaly covers it up pretty good,but the older stuff was a thick paint and I usaly sand blast that off with my badger sand blaster which I dont like to use because it uses too much propelant.

Theres ways of stripping models like soaking them in brake fluid but I've never tried it.

The canisters are between 7 and 10 dollars depending on the size the cheapest place I found them was Wal-Mart but the last time I looked they didn't have any at either store.


Seems you've had a run of good luck lately,lucky you.I get to do all my father-in-laws paint work.Which I dont mind since he does HO and I get a break from N scale.

Oh by the way it is much easier to use screws than nails if you want to change something in the future......just my 2 cents..


More on the work train later.
Shane -

I just joined the "CRIP-RR" Yahoo forum (e-mail, not a chat room). You might look at this one - if they let ME in, they will let ANYONE!


Don't know enough to know if it's worthwhile or not. I am also a on the IMRL forum on Yahoo (although I mostly "listen in" on that one).

What was the name of the chat ??? This one or another ???

- George
George Mike,

It is the forum you mentioned I got signed up and went in and looked at some pictures but after that I hit a block wall,Dont think it'll be an every day visit like the Gauge( Alright at least 4 times a day for the Gauge).

Where's your boxes? Theres a thread on "the box" over in general thier making boxes with the Gauge Written on it. Its a run off of another tread that I saw you two at.

I made a box on a truck that I can take off and put on a flat car and send it on down the road.I liked it so much I have two more to make but one or both the trucks will be flying the RI hearld:) :) .
