PAM, "Wet Water" what to use ???


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Feb 13, 2004
At the edge of the woods
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Here's a subject that I thought belonged here in the Tech Section. In making rock castings, what's the best method to treat the rubber molds before filling with plaster? I've heard of spraying them with PAM or "wet water" and all kinds of things. Since I am now starting with some rock castings I need some feedback. (Haven't done this before!!!)

Thanks for the advice

We don't use anything at the club. Spray the base with water and apply the mold after it has set but not before it has hardened. It will conform to the base better. As for hardened ones, we just peel them out, then apply them with a stiff plaster "buttered" onto the base.
Plaster into rubber molds need nothing to release. Wet water helps to eliminate air bubbles and allows the plaster to flow into small details if you are mixing it on the thick side. Pam I noticed will leave a residue on the castings that effect how the plaster absorbs water based washes, esp. if sprayed heavy. And if you use too much PAM it makes the casting real rough and pitted, which can be good if that's what you want. I just use 409, fantastic, or dollar store spray cleaner for wet water anymore. It's handy and I keep several bottles around so it's also easier to find than the wet water bottle.:D Isn't wet water a funny name? Ever see dry water? How about condensed water, just add water to make more water. How about a dry lake bed? If it's dry for 100,000 years I don't think it's a lake anymore. FRED