Orlik PBJ-1H Mitchell

I used a similer kitchen utensil on thin modeling clay for helicopter interiors, but this would be thinner. Is it pretty manageable?

Being that it's mostly dried white glue (which is pretty flexible), the "diamond quilt" is pretty malleable. I twisted and crinkled it with no problem. I haven't experimented further, but using other types of paper (20lb printer paper comes to mind) might give better results. The tissue paper is so thin that you can only "emboss" the pattern in it so much.

Thanks for kinds word. I'm glad you enjoyed the thread.

The diamond quit was such a good idea, I was really impressed. Thank you very much for the great idea, I will use that in my future models. The model you crafted was so well done, I hope to be able to craft like that in the future.

Thanks Phenotype! Not only do I hope you try the technique, but improve upon it. Then post pics! :)

I've come to realize that I'm been remiss in providing an epilogue to this thread. There were a few loose ends/corrections that were attended to before I truly said "DONE". So, if I may:

I finally added some cover from the elements for the hapless gunner:



Discovered that I installed the pitot tube on the wrong wing tip. Since fixed:


The last thing I added was something I wasn't going to add at first because I had no clue what it was, and thougt it look funny up there on the nose. What the heck is that thing:



Did a little researching and found out it's the antenna for a radar targeting system for the 75mm cannon. Here's link to how it works:

http://www.riemarfamily.com/falcon in action.html

So, Falcon antenna installed:



I used a flexible piece of electronics wire that will give so I can still open the hood:


I've recently learned that in reality ground crews had to disconnect the cable from the antenna in order to open the hood. How I learned that, and from whom, ties in to a great piece of news that I will relate a bit later in another post. But for now, a few final, final shots (I was going to post the lot in the "Gallery", but it doesn't seem to be working, so a select few here):







NOW I'm done......;)

As promised, I have some news that some here may find interesting.

Last week, out of the blue, I was contacted through email by a M/Sgt. Robert Yanacek, USMCR (Ret). Sgt. Yanacek saw this thread here on Zealot, and registered just so he could PM me. The Sergeant maintains the VMB-613 and PBJ Mitchell websites, the very ones you’ve seen me use and quote pretty extensively throughout this build thread. Without a doubt those websites were easily my primary references for the Marine PBJ's of Kwajalein. What’s Sgt. Yanacek’s connection to VMB-613, you might be wondering? His father was the ordinance chief for “8-Ball”, the subject of this model. Sadly, Sgt. Yanaceks father passed away a few years ago, but the sergeant informs me that the pilot and co-pilot of “8-Ball” are still with us. Besides his duties as webmaster, Sgt. Yanacek also produces a monthly newsletter for the “Marine Bombing Squadron Six-Thirteen Association”. The reason he wrote me is that he would like to feature my model in his next newsletter so that the surviving members of VMB-613 can have a look at it.

I can’t imagine a higher honor that could be bestowed on this silly paper creation of mine.

Here’s some interesting facts about “8-Ball” that one only gets from someone who “was there”. Sgt. Yanacek writes:

“Regarding "8-Ball" my Dad told me the plane was indeed an 8-Ball. He said he constantly worked on the big 75mm cannon because it always seemed to malfunction. When it did fire, the recoil sheared off rivets in the fuselage. The copilot, Bob Litzau, recently told me its canopy leaked rather badly. On Kwaj, there was a rain shower almost everyday and Litzau had to climb into the copilots seat and sit on a soaked seat cushion which made, according to him, a real wet mess of his parachute and flight suit. Bob was the one who actually came up with the name, 8-Ball, although he did not recall that information. I am certain he did though because the pilot, Jack Barton, remembered very clearly. Actually, Barton remembered incredible amounts of details including exactly how the APG-13A radar gun director was used. I think Barton may still have in his possession the plane's yoke and the nose wheel cover that was painted with the distinctive "8-Ball."”

Wish I knew some of that before I finished the model, I might have put a puddle of water in the cockpit! There's actually a lot of little tidbits that Sgt. Yanacek has shared about "8-Ball", the 613th, and Marine PBJ's in general. If there's interest, I'll share some of that here.

And if all the above wasn’t cool enough, Sgt. Yanacek has graciously offered to send me a VMB-613 ball cap, OOH-RAH:


To M/Sgt.Robert Yanacek, USMCR (Ret) and the all the members of VMB-613:

Semper Fi

Thanks Steve, much appreciated. I'm just delighted no end that the original crew of 8-ball will get to see the model, as will the rest of the surviving members of VMB-613. All those guys are heros in my book....

......and I can't believe you referred to this masterpiece as a "silly paper creation"

Well, you know, you can't take a hobby too seriously. Actually I probably take this hobby a little too seriously at times.....

High honours indeed Bomarc, and I can't believe you referred to this masterpiece as a "silly paper creation".



While a lot of hard work went into this beautiful model (and I couldn't be more impressed by it), it pales in contrast with the work and sacrifices of the people that fought the war.
I have the excellent Accurate Miniatures plastic kit of a similar plane, and yours is even more detailed than it is. Superb work.
Haven't been on Zealot in awhile, missed your post ustercluck, thanks for the kind words.

That AM kit of the B-25 is pretty nice in that scale, probably more than a bit better that the old Monogram kit. If you like large scale plastic, there's 1/32nd scale B-25J coming out from a Dutch company:


I'd like to think I had a hand in making that plastic kit come true by completing this large scale paper PBJ, for as anyone who's been around the hobby knows, a really detailed, superlative injection molded kit only hits the hobby shelves after an intrepid modeler kit bashes a one off vacu-form, resin, or (in this case) paper model kit first. It's Murphy working his finest magic....wall1

I've spent some good time reading this thread.

Your work is wonderful, and it shows what experience and love combined can achieve.

This is also very inspirational, since you can see what can be done only with paper and some imagination. Some of the details are unbelievable, and if it weren't for the photos one could barely believe they are made of paper.

Thanks for posting this, and for sharing your techniques and knowledge. Surely the solutions you found to many of the problems when dealing with paper models will be useful to other people.
Just started paper modeling and new to this site. I was not aware that there could be this much detail in paper modeling. I have a lot to learn.

Thanks for the inspiration.
@Bomarc... you are an inspiration... I really enjoyed going through all the details you have put into that airplane... I got alot of amazing ideas for alot of things you have showcased.. Thanks for sharing that amazing information and pictures with us..
Keep rocking... :)
Yikes! I need to check in here more often, I didn't think anyone was still reading this tired old thread.....

Appreciate the kind words fellas. As always, I'm more delighted that my ramblings have provided you with some inspiration.

Model on dudes!

A little horn tooting if I may......

It’s been a looooong time since I commented on this thread, but I thought some here might find the following of interest.

On Saturday, September 15th, friend and fellow paper modeler Colonel Don Boose (U. S. Army, retired) and myself attended the one day IPMS event PENNCON hosted by the Central Pennsylvania IPMS club that was held at the Army Heritage and Education Center located in Carlisle PA. For the event I entered two models in the “Aircraft-Military” category, a plastic SAAB J-21R (built years ago and beyond the scope/interests of this forum) and the subject of this thread, the paper PBJ-1H. These two photos were taken by Colonel Boose and showed the contest table early in the proceedings (used with permission):



By the time judging started later that day, the field of entries had grown to three tables worth. The paper Mitchell would eventually be up against nearly four dozen plastic models (including my SAAB):



A good bunch of guys over there at Central PA IPMS, and they ran a really great show. As tends to happen when I bring the Mitchell to events like these, the inevitable “That’s PAPER?!” comments could be heard throughout the day, some initially mistaking my model for the recently released 1/32nd scale plastic kit of the B-25J. The judging for PENNCON used the “Gold-Silver-Bronze” method of judging, which means that more than one metal would be awarded. Even so, probably half the table went home empty handed. However, I’m happy to report that my PBJ-1H won one of the handful of bronze medals awarded in this category! Given the quality (and quantity) of the competition, I couldn’t be more delighted with outcome.

I hope this latest entry in my weary thread provides at least a modicum of inspiration.

Oh, I suppose I should mention that the SAAB plastic model took a silver medal.....
