open letter


Jul 7, 2001
Whitehouse, Tx USA
Visit site
I write this to all present and past moderators, administrators and members. From what I have read (and deduced) we the members should stand up and salute our recent staff. It appears that they would much rather stand up for what they believe is right rather than crumble under and submit themselves to rules in which they do not believe.

As of yet (??? not much time), I have seen no change, and I put that fact directly to the fact that this forum was run in such a steadfast manner, training us as members how to act properly. Our past staff was absolutely outstanding in every way. Now it is up to us, the members, to carry on as usual.

As for myself, tho I felt like I added little, but If I see flaming or any other derogatory action concerning this forum, I am history. I have learned to love and respect each and every one here, and I doubt it will change from that with present members.

I look forward to hearing and reading again from all of you. It is with sad heart that this has happened, but until CG drops a bomb on us, let us go about our daily activities, and put a little gladness in my heart to just read new entries and how youall are doing

Down off my soapbox now, but I sincerely mean it

You're correct, Lynn: very little has changed since the resignations, and that is in no small way due to the Membership here, a great bunch of individuals who help to make things work so well, regardless of who's "running the show".

I agree 100 percent with Lynns sentiments about all our recently lost moderators.
I do hope that soon we find out what really took place that caused the mass exodus, I am certain that Lynn is right as to why they left, & also hope that whatever change is coming will not be so onerous that the Gauge ends up failing.
