Now What?

Mountain Man

Active Member
Jan 19, 2007
I hope it's just me - the entire forum has been re-formatted into something more difficult to clearly navigate.
The site has turned into a mess - all the formatting is gone. This was/is my favorite model railroading site. I had hoped to use it to share my progress as I begin construction. I hope it's not too hard to recover for our forum owners. My prayers are with you.
I remember reading something about upgrading software - I assume that is what is going on. I am sure a moderator will chime in and tell us it will be back to normal in a few hours.

Well, thank heavens for that! I have been getting messages all day telling me the forum link no longer existed, no matter where I tried. In fact, I had to get here this time by way of Google, as the old Bookmark link apparently still does not work.
My bad....
I tripped over the extension cord. When I went to plug it back in, it tripped the breaker. When I flipped the breaker back on, the transformer on the pole blew out.

Truthfully...I had the same problem you all did. An e-mail to Ngauger confirmed that it was (another...Gees...I was in the Army and never moved this much!)server move.
And yes..My book marks were'nt working either. I too had to Google. And re-bookmark.
Still not fully back for me. I have to go through some differently formatted URLs to find it. I lucked out by trying to get redirected after a few days of no access. DNS still doesn't know about or that format. Which sort of messes up the stylesheet thingy I use to make the Gauge look more like I like :)

Anyway, maybe a few days off are good, hopefully the dust will settle before the weekend.
Links still don't work for me. Each time I go through another site to get to this one, I save The Gauge in favorites, but each time I try to come back the link fails and I have to start over.

Fastest way I have found so far is through Google.
I used to have to come in through my email box but now that appears not to be the case any more. In the past, if I came in through another link or through my Bookmarks or History, it would not accept my password, I'd have to come in through links in my mailbox.
Links still don't work for me. Each time I go through another site to get to this one, I save The Gauge in favorites, but each time I try to come back the link fails and I have to start over.

Fastest way I have found so far is through Google.
There are several ways to get here: gets you the main forum listing gets you to the main zealot page gets you the main index page of all the forums. brings you to the main Zealot page. brings you to the "new posts" search page...

I hope this helps, you should be able to bookmark any or all of these links.