Next build: Steampunk :)

I do have a great weakness for Steampunk models. Looking forward to it. ;)
I have always been a HUGE steampunk fan and Victotian Anglophile. This looks like it is good to be interesting to watch. I will be following this thread.
I started working on that model and have found a few things that are wrong.
Parts B2 and B3 go together to form part of the fuselage. Unfortunately the resulting diameter is too big to fit the B4/B5 assembly.
What I did is to cut down the middle of one of the segments on B2 and B3 then use one of the half segments as a glue tab. You will also need to modify the nose a little to fit the smaller diameter of the B2/B3 assembly. There are no glue tabs to attach the cockpit to the inside of the fuselage so you need to come up with a way to securely attach the cockpit. You could try edge glueing but that does not seem too secure.

I have only gotten as far as building the fuselage from the nose to the cockpit area and am now slowly putting the cockpit together before attempting to attach it to the fuselage. The work is slow because I do not work on it very often, just a little at a time each day. I am beginning to wonder what other problems are lurking in the shadows with that thing.:facepalm:


  • aerocarriage b2-b3.jpg
    aerocarriage b2-b3.jpg
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  • aerocarriage b2-b3g.jpg
    aerocarriage b2-b3g.jpg
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I started working on that model and have found a few things that are wrong.
Parts B2 and B3 go together to form part of the fuselage. Unfortunately the resulting diameter is too big to fit the B4/B5 assembly.
What I did is to cut down the middle of one of the segments on B2 and B3 then use one of the half segments as a glue tab. You will also need to modify the nose a little to fit the smaller diameter of the B2/B3 assembly. There are no glue tabs to attach the cockpit to the inside of the fuselage so you need to come up with a way to securely attach the cockpit. You could try edge glueing but that does not seem too secure.

I have only gotten as far as building the fuselage from the nose to the cockpit area and am now slowly putting the cockpit together before attempting to attach it to the fuselage. The work is slow because I do not work on it very often, just a little at a time each day. I am beginning to wonder what other problems are lurking in the shadows with that thing.:facepalm:

Thanks for the input, i have the same idea of cutting the parts. There will be a lot of dry-fitting on this model. But I like a challenge...;):lolsign:;)
/ Wilhelm
Dry fitting produces the best models, you never know what paper thickness was used, and other variables creep in.
This one is still alive ;) i have an aproach, for the moment i try to make formers, it is alot och trial and error :). Indeed a challenge. :):) I think i cut the edges of B2/ B3. will see how it works out. No pictures at the moment.
/ Wilhelm
Hello my friends :wave:
This is how far I am with this. The formers are made. I had to adjust the width on some parts. Some of the formers you can see in the background in the second picture.

IMG_3323.jpg IMG_3328.jpg

See picture below. I followed the center line of the pieces ( the blue line ) to line up the parts. Then first glued the middle tabs to the next part, for exemple B2 with B4. Then I dryfitted and cut so that the parts fitted together ( the red line ).

Aero_Carriage-page-010 exemple.jpg

/ Wilhelm
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I hate petals too. If you cut out the glue tabs, and replace them with strips of paper on the inside, the petals align much better and give you better control of the process. The part came out really good though. :)
About the nosecone. That was my second attempt. The first one was without tabs but it didnt line up well. But in other cases the best aproache to petals is without tabs, I know.thumbsupthumbsup and I still hate petals ;);)
Concerning Petals...make sure when cutting to angle your blade away from the add a bevel to the cut to the inside ... with a bevel cut your edges of the petal will have almost a single line on the edge that will merge with the second petal a lot better when you start to glue up..add your bond paper/typing paper/copy paper tab. The thin paper has almost no thickness and won't interfere with the next steps... then BURNISH the petals into shape... use a toothpick to add the glue one pair of petals at a time. If done correctly ( and with practice ) you can get the part into shape till all edges line up and you will have NO seams on the final. Then BURNISH again, to smooth ( crush the edges of the cuts slightly )!
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I would really encourage the use of conical shapes over petals, or even a combination of both. Conical shapes with inner strips to align them give yoou the best result, and if you are going to paint the model, a light sanding will give the best shape. Petals just seem so messy IMHO. :)

p.s. I love steampunk!!
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I have been building this back and forth, inbetween other responsabilities. This build is a real challenge. Here is how far I have come. First of the wing. I had to make my one spars to give some stability to the wings and to have something to attach to the main body. When build the wing are rather heavy and the risk for saging is big. I also made tabs to get fix to the body. Some warping, but nothing major.

IMG_3394.jpg IMG_3414.jpg

and the tailplanes... this was a pain in the... to build with all small details to glue together. I greebled also this.

IMG_3431(1).jpg IMG_3439.jpg IMG_3442.jpg IMG_3440.jpg

/ Wilhelm
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I was not satisfied first so i made a new attempt. I was thinking of greebling a bit so I cut all the individual part and made tabs and in that way I hade a better fit of the parts.

In the second picture you can se how I follow the centerline of the parts.

The nose-cone was frustating to make, I hate petals. After three attempts, this was the best result. Even the nosecone hade fitting issues when glued, I had to do major "surgery" to fit the nosecone. I show that later.

IMG_3428.jpg IMG_3430.jpg IMG_3551.jpg
