New to here and to Trains

in the very first picture there appears to be a UP big boy that is probably the piece that is worth the most money to a modeler. Most of the rest would have more value to a toy collector. If you were planning on selling ebay is the place to go. Don't be too upset if most of the cars go for less than 2 dollars. It is a great collection of new stuff, but IMHO with the tech in todays stuff it only ranks as toys
most modelers wouldn't be interested in an of these I feel the tycoblue b&o steam would be of most value. probably around $35 you might try a local hobby shop to check value.Ebay is probably best bet for selling. I have seen some unbelievable high prices there.
In pic number 8 you have a Conrail steam engine. If you would like to sell that let me know I will take it.