New Star Wars Triler premeire for Japanese

Nice find, @gearheadjoe thumbsup

It seems that the Japanese version has concentrated more on the emotional/spiritual/personal side of the attraction, whereas the "Western" version has more leaning toward the CGI/special effects ........

But, the thing with Star Wars, or any other war for that matter, (existing, or those to come), have two sides.....!

Which one you choose, is up to you........ !thumbsup

Or, maybe you should just "Go-With-The-Flow!" aka: The Force.....(in both forms, 'good & bad')....!! ) ;):)

'Good' & 'Bad', are only defined by which side you are on .........! :):)

We need someone to make a version of the Star Wars series, biased towards The Empire instead of the Republic.... :smoker:
An interesting concept ....... :biggrin:
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You think they will actually get a better movie? That's not fair!! We all know that fair leads to the dark side, or is that "fear", oh well, I don't understand Japanese anyways, so I wouldn't get the experience, it would probably be translated into the nonsensical mita-meta-meeta -chlorians cr@p we got. :)
But, if the concept was reversed in Star Wars, then we have a good excuse to assassinate Jah-Jah Binks! :D

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You know I was joking, right? :hide::mooner:
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Jar Jar Binks is actually the evil Sith behind Emperor Palpitate. Meeza pretty shurza Heeza baaad mansa heesa izza. Just look at those evil lips and how much he can crawl under your skin. He is actually telling the mightachlorians to do that!! :)
Jar Jar Binks is actually the evil Sith behind Emperor Palpitate. Meeza pretty shurza Heeza baaad mansa heesa izza. Just look at those evil lips and how much he can crawl under your skin. He is actually telling the mightachlorians to do that!! :)
Have you read the "fan theory" that Jar Jar is, indeed, a sith lord? Pretty wild stuff LOL

I liked this new trailer a lot, particularly that gorgeous shot of the TIE Fighters silhouetted against Jakku's sun and that beautiful sunset shot that evokes the iconic scene with Luke on Tattooine in the original Star Wars. I felt like the bit where Rey mentions her family was potentially a bit of a spoiler, as it more or less confirms that one of the many fan theories about her parentage is true and that she isn't just a scavenger. I also really loved the mounted cam shots on the X-wing (obviously CGI but the style is mounted cam). They reminded me of the way some of the space sequences in "Interstellar" were shot, with the camera fixed to the side of the ship. It's really exhilarating to watch stuff like this. If this one isn't good I'm gonna cry