Need help on making N scale pine trees


Aug 21, 2003
Allen, TX
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I know that there is probably a thread somewhere but I would like to learn to make great pine trees for N scale from scratch.

Would any of you fine people happen to have some pictures of doing this? Pictures always seem to help me when I'm trying to figure something out. Or can you tell me some of the things that you've done to get nice pine trees? Perhaps there's a thread hidden somewhere that somebody remembers.

Anyway, if anybody would know, I'm sure it's the group on this forum.

Thanks in advance
Muchas Gracias

I'll check them out. I'm going to be doing a diorama to go on a shelf over the beer well at the restaurant and want to put some neat pine trees on it.

You rock!
Pine Trees

It just so happens that I got to learn to make some Pine trees at the Mississippi Valley N Scalers club meeting yesterday. I saw the president taking pictures, but I don't see them yet on the website. But here is what we did:

1) Bamboo skewers (kabob?) stained with a brownish stain to give it a truck look.

2) Take a furnace filter, in this case they got them at Walmart. They were blue with a loosely woven plastic thread. Not very dense. The filter was cut into circles. From about 1-1/4" to 3/4" in diameter.

3) You pull apart the filter to give it more "height", or loosen them up more.

4) Stick them 3 or 4 circles on the skewers until you get the right tree height.

5) Stick them in a styrofoam "board" and take'm out side and spray paint them green.

6) Used a little Woodland Scenics material to sprinkle on them and then a little more spray paint to make sure they stick.

It was an interesting method to learn.
The Tree Lady, uses this furnace filter + bamboo skewer/toothpick technique for making the trees she sells. It produces a good looking tree, and is one of the quicker methods, especially for smaller scales.
Well, with any luck I should be starting on this project this week-end, if time permits. But I might try to make some trees using the furnace filter method this week. I've got plenty of bamboo skewers at home.