Modelik Flower class corvette

foreward winch

Finished the winch...and it didn't even take me as long as I expected. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, too. As usual, the camera's close-up eye magnifies every small mistake, as well as all the tiny bits of dust. Seen at 1x with the unaided eye, though, it's pretty striking.

Bye now,
Ya know, I'm not a water floaty thingy kind of guy, but this is impressive. I wish my builds would be this nice! Very well done.

cdcoyle said:
As usual, the camera's close-up eye magnifies every small mistake, as well as all the tiny bits of dust. Seen at 1x with the unaided eye, though, it's pretty striking.

Tell you what, Chris, it's pretty striking no matter how close the camera gets...excellent job, nice details and quite a little gem of a model in itself!



Did the anchors today. I was happy with them, mostly because they were one of the few sub-assemblies I was able to start and finish on the same day. :) I have the anchors stowed in their hawse pipes, but no chain affixed yet. I'll have to see what I can scrounge up at the local craft stores.

forecastle goodies

The secret to making significant progress on a model is to be at home sick. Or on break from school. Or both, as I am at the moment. :roll:

I have been sprucing up the forecastle. Found a bit of chain at a local craft store (not stud link, naturally, which is a bit unfortunate). I tried chemically blackening it, whatever metal the chain is fashioned from would not blacken. Fortunately, it was a bit tarnished already, so it doesn't look too bad. I also added speaking tube, fairleads, bollards, ventilators, and screw stoppers. The ventilators look horrible IMHO, but I was pleased with the screw stoppers. They are made from formed 0162 gauge wire and painted with Krylon primer. I find the look of the taut anchor chain odd, but that's the way it was depicted in both the kit diagrams and in the AOS book, so it must be right.

Bye for now,

Finished! Ha ha...not really. But I DID finish the forecastle. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. I wish I could post a picture today, but the family took the camera to San Rafael to take pictures of our new guide dog puppy. WHERE are their priorities!? :grin: :roll: Will post a pic as soon as I can.

OK, picture time!

This shot shows the completed forecastle. The pipe vents outboard of the splinter shields are made from the "modeler's friend", dry spaghetti. I first wrapped the pasta at regular intervals with the paper strips that form the rings at the tops of the vents. Then I spray-painted the whole thing with Krylon primer. Afterwards, I cut the vents to their correct length and daubed the tops with a bit of black paint.

The cranes at either side of the aft end of the forecastle were an interesting exercise. I decided to cut out the circular panels to add a bit of extra authenticity. It appeared from all the diagrams that the railings should pass through these cut-outs. However, I later determined that the railings were supposed to go through some pinhead-sized dots printed on either side of the crane mounts. No sweat -- I drilled these holes out with a #78 drill bit, then threaded the railing thread through the mounts before gluing the mounts to the deck. Afterwards I glued the railings to the stanchions in the usual way.
And here's the aft side of the forecastle showing the ladders and small crane (mentioned in the previous post). This shot also shows the starboard loading crane. These cranes are a challenge to rig compared to the wooden ship models I usually build. On the wooden ships, the blocks are actually drilled, and once threaded it is relatively easy to apply and maintain tension on the rigging lines. On this model, though, the blocks aren't threaded. The line just wraps around them, and it's a trick to get everything tensioned properly. CA glue is handy for this chore. Also, modern blocks are internally stropped, but I went ahead and stropped the tiny blocks with thread, just because it was far easier than trying to mimic an internal strop, and the difference will be missed by the casual viewer.
And finally, an overall progress shot. I have another crane to install on the port side, then it's off to the stern structures, starting with the depth charge throwers.


This is a masterful piece of work. I've really enjoyed watching your progress. It's been quite educational.

I can't wait to see more, you're so near the end.