Model RR comunity


New Member
Jul 31, 2001
A few weeks ago My mother :) spotted a new model train store. we stopped in the drive reall quick to take a look but the guy was closing up. we thought that cuz its new we shoudl go in but i was hesitent so we went home.

today though we were going to the mall and decided to stop in. the lil place was great and homey. the RR comunity i have found to be a great one. the people in other modeling fields are more competitive and colder. the RR comuntiy workes off of others to acheive perfection. the guy in there was very helpful and offered to let me use his Airbrush i needed. I might just be able to find some room to make a layout....
Yup,I'm more than willing to help any other model railroader as long as you don't try counting "MY" rivets.:D :D
hobby shops

I went into the local hobby shop here yesterday to look at Old Coal Mines and happened to hear the owner talking with another gentleman. He said that sales were pretty much shot after the Sept. 11th issue, and that he was keeping his shop afloat by selling things on Ebay. He is the last hobby shop around without having to drive 40miles into a cramped city that carries model train supplies, and he keeps the place well stocked. It too has a nice and homy feel, and the gentleman is very friendly and informative. I wound up bying the Model Power Old Coal Mine which I could have ordered off the net for $10 less and told him that a couple extra bucks spent there was more than worth it to keep the place around. Besides, he does what he can to keep the prices competitive and still get by. It would be a shame to lose yet another local hobby shop.
I have very little doubt in my mind that without being able to turn to folks I have never met except on The Gauge I would have given up a long time ago on building a layout and the benchwork would either be awaiting a day cold enough to build a fire in the fire place or would be serving as a large table convenient for stacking stuff on to gather dust.

On the other hand, if I'd get off this d--- computer and work on the layout...........................:D :D


I guess I'm going to have to mute the sound on the computer that lets me know I have a new e-mail :D I was in the next room measuring some blueboard when you rang :)

I may have to get off the Gauge until I finish my layout. Everytime I get on here I see/read something that causes me to change my mind about what I am going to do:rolleyes: By gove, I think I have it this time. No wonder I constantly read that others are forever building and tearing things out, building and tearing things out. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that there really is no end to the construction of a layout, right:confused:

Ah, yes, Bob, that is all so true. I've started another layout about 2 months ago. All the track down, half the plaster, and now I believe that mountain isn't right, the curve is too --whatever, the sub base is 3/8 (simply because I'm cheap and that's what I had). So I think I'll pull a Conan The Destroyer and wipe it out and do things right.

I'll try to put this out without a ding-ding to interrupt, especially if you are WORKING !!!


I can't remember if I have a headache or am not in the mood:D

What I have been doing and I finished up for now a few minutes ago, is to study the differences, other than the most obvious ones of the original track plan I am using to build my layout, which is a walk around, and a modification to the plan done last year by another modeler who made it a walk-in. I already had my benchwork completed when I learned of the modification, but there are several items on the newer plan that interest me and I am trying to decide whether, or probably more to ther point, how I will incorporate them into my plan.

At some point I have to make some decisions and get on with things. I have a couple of yards to complete and then I am off on to the scenery scene. I am beginning to formulate some ideas and will need to stick with them. I've divided my layout into six areas and am trying to work up a plan for each of the areas rather than try to envision in my weak mind the entire layout. It seems to be working:rolleyes:

Of course the real problem for me is I need to cut the plug off my power pack so I'll quit stopping with what I am doing and start playing with the trains:D

Whoa, Bob...Whoa !! Whoa !! Whoa. Let's not go overboard with this and lose our minds. Give up running trains just tio work on it !!Heaven forbid. You want to give up eating just because you are just going to cook ??

The reason I think about tearing mine up is ever since I started it, something just didn't feel right. I have only been on line for a short time, and I have learned a lot. There are some yhings I want to try that I learned about since I set this up, so I will be better off to stop now as to have the whole thing to rip apart.

I met a guy at a train show saturday. He lives about 80 miles away, but his grandmother lives close by and he passes a mile from my abode. He does some kit-bashing, but now is into scratch building. That should get you his web page. Shamus's work is fantastic, and I think it is tops, but take a gander at this guy. I want to try some of that, so I'm going to play a waiting game for a little while.

terrific stuff

I took a look at the man's site and my hat goes off to anyone that can scratchbuild like that. What Shamus is creating for the forests, this man is creating for the cities. Both men have a real skill.
Here you guys are talking about tearing out your layouts,and I don't even have one!But, for the good news that is about to change. Once I get this layout built it won't be torn out. change perhaps,you see I spent hours nay, days on end planing this thing.Soooo,I better be right.good Luck to you on your layouts.:)