mitchels intro


New Member
Jan 4, 2014
Hi Guys/Gals

A quick intro. I have admired ship models for many years now and I have always wanted to build one. But, bringing up a family, going to work, keeping tropical fish, playing guitar, keeping the garden tidy etc etc, just seemed to fill my days.

Things have changed in recent years. The kids are older now and I have a bit more time on my hands so I have decided to build Shipyards HMS Enterprize 1774.

I have never built one of these things before so I expect to see many mistakes and a big learning curve. So I will be in here often looking for and hopefully receiving advice and encouragement along the way.
Thanks for posting the Intro. The forum is about to go through a big change in the sense that we are migrating to a new platform. The name will be the same, but the next couple of weeks might be a little bumpy. It will all be better in the end though, as we will have a fully functioning forum, properly maintainable. The forum was inherited with bugs which made upgrades impossible. So you will soon be able to upload pictures of your model, and your progress. Time is your best friend, and research, when building models of these caliber. They come out best like that. There is the possibility of making smaller sailing ships before you jump into something so intricate. Something to consider.

This model of the San Salvadore is "Free". It is a good way to get started, and is one heck of a nice model. I would suggest making longitudinal planks for it. I made a set and they are in the "Downloads" section, but currently that section is not working, and you need to be a member longer than 4 weeks and have made 10 significant posts to download any of the forum's models.

This is the link to the planking, but not working just yet:

This is the link to the ship model, which is free. There is an excellent build thread by Silveroxide of it.

Welcome aboard! :)
