Melbourne Crafter Checking In

Hi there. I'm Jason, living in Melbourne Australia's Inner North (Thornbury/Preston near High Street).

I've recently drifted backing into paper crafting after a long absence - my old Epson Printer used to chew through ink but could deal with cardstock and I loved making all manner of papercraft items for my wargaming hobby. When the Epson died and we were gifted a Fuji Laser Printer, I thought all my Christmases had come at once UNTIL I learned that the Fuji couldn't handle cardstock.

After many debates with my partner, eventually, I secured the necessary authorisation to obtain a Brother printer that loves cardstock and is very generous when it comes to ink. Already I've made a couple of models (an APC and Dropship) for my wargaming, but am looking forward to doing a whole lot of other stuff.

You might like to jump onto my blog and have a poke around - here's a link to one of my more recent papercraft-related projects which wasa 2.5D wargaming battle board/map. Hopefully, there's more to come!DSC_5453.JPG
Hello @DutchLaw, and welcome to Zealot!

I am a gamer (D&D) as well as a modeler, and I've used the 2.5D terrain as well. Please feel fee To post any pictures you have of completed projects here, and when you start a new build, find the right sub forum, and start a new build thread for the project.

I'll now add my customary "Welcome Aboard". And enjoy your time here on Zealot.
Hello dutchlaw welcome to zealot I like your board. Looking forward to see your builds.

have fun here
Hello Jason,

You have come to the right place for all things paper/cardstock, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful.

That is quite the blog that you have going! It is quite informative. The gaming table looks AMAZING!

We have many member who are gamers (in some level or another). We have two sections that you may be interested in; GAMING & TOYS and WARHAMMER40K. There, you might find more information and inspiration. I hope that you will feel at home here.

So, if you have any questions, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

When you start a new project, please post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here. I look forward to seeing your work.
Great looking battlefield. That would work for anything!! Welcome to Zealot :)