Marvin the Paranoid Android


Apr 2, 2006
Okay hitchhkers fans (all five of us anyway).

Had some free time this bank holiday Monday so finally got a prototype of the first of my Hitchiker's TV bobbleheads - Marvin the Paranoid Android.

Way I mess around it will probably take me years to do all 5 (Marvin is the easy one), but Marvin should be available well before the end of the year.

And yes he will have both arms and legs in the final version :D and the next version will be texture mapped.

Here I am with a brain the size of a planet and you reduce me to a simple bobblehead paper model. How depressing.sign1
Ohhhh!!! I love it!!!! Always liked Marvin. Have the original TV H2G2 on DVD, somewhere a copy of the BBC radio show on cassettes. 42 and I know where my my towel is (Hmm.... does that make me a froody dude?). LOL (Oh that hurt all my diodes down one side....)
YAY! Real Marvin, not that abomination from the movie a couple of years ago! And you could always release him as-is and just call him Kriket Wars Marvn :)
Well seeing there were more than just 2 H2G2 fans I decided to pull my finger out and take it on a step, then another etc. and it's pretty much done.

Just the parts to label and some simple instructions and it's there I reckon.

Oh, and since Marvin is by nature a mundane chap I decided the only way I could add a little interest was to throw in Eddie and a bucket from his car park days ;)

Anyway - hope you all like it.

Oh, and I thought the movie was a huge dissapointment too :(

And I will probably provide a scaled down head for those of you who are desperate for Marvin with correct proportions.






Question.... you are building the origanal Marvin, is anyone doing the movie version??

Not me - there's far too much merch on the shelf i.e.
£12 gets you a Marvin headnocker:
£15 gets you the figure
Not sure what the rotofigure with light up eyes costs..£££

Just kidding ;) It's just that I wouldn't want to throw serious time on designing or making a model that was already widely available unless it was 'seriously' expensive, or I wanted to super-size it.

I have to admit I am pretty darn slow at these things due to my poor 3D skills, maybe some super whiz 3D dude can knock it out in a few hours..

As for myself - would I have spent weeks of my time creating a kit of the Marvin BBC version if I could buy the same thing in the store for £15? Not bloody likely ;D

P.S. One guy started at some point - maybe you can chase him up?