lets have another go


May 14, 2001
Alberton . South Africa
one more attempt.


zing.com and photopoint.com are very similar. They allocate the filename of the pic for you, and this name is computer genereated and can be complex, as evidenced by this one!

TO get the correct URL to include in the post, you must get the pic displayed in your browser, and ONLY the pic. No surrounding info, borders, ads, text, or other headings etc. The pic's URL will then be displayed in the command line of your browser. drag the mouse across the name and press CTRL C (cut) This will eliminate any typo's you might make with the long, complex name. Go to your new post in The Guage, and press CTRL V (paste). this will put the URL text in the post. put IMG and /IMG enclosed in square brackets [] around the URL (with no spaces). Remember it must be the URL of the pic ONLY. I tried to manipuluate the URL you have posted here to find the pic, but perhaps there is a typo in it. I cannot get the system to find the pic. (it should be .jpg not .ipg ) is one posibility I tried. Hope this helps.


[This message has been edited by Woodie (edited 05-21-2001).]
Oh.... another way to get the pic's URL is to display the pic anyway you can in zing.com. Right click on the pic istelf. A window will pop up. Click on "properties". The URL of the pic will be displayed in the window. Then follow the CTRL C / CTRL V method. (you will be able to "drag" the mouse across the pics name (position the mouse at the beginning of the name, hold the mouse button down, and "drag" it across the name to highlight it. press CTRL C Then go to you post and press CTRL V (paste) The CTRL C & V mean press those two keys at the same time. I have no idea of your computer skill level, so I am putting basic details in here how to do it. I apologise if you already are aware of these methods.

This really is an annoying problem but unfortunately the fix in not on our end.

Jimmy, can we use your site next for the "Spotlight" section??

Dave Hagan
The Gauge

I agree. Geocities does say that individual files held on geocities websites cannot be linked to from other sites (i.e included on a webpage) However it does work "intermittently". (back/forward browser buttons). Also if the pic happens to be in your cache already. (froma visit to the actual site). Once I can determine why this works this way, I will know more. I will try to find a foolproof easy method/place for pic hosting for those that don't have webspace.


Hi All,
One of the easy ways is to use trainorders, they will (for a very small fee) let you have a 3meg webspace to upload photo's. Once in there, you can upload them here, or anywhere else.
Here's one from trainorders.



[This message has been edited by shamus (edited 05-22-2001).]
Sure Dave you can go ahead I would be really chuffed Thanks for all the inputs I am away from home at the moment training some younsters to repair elevators at a power station so will carry on with my attemps when I get home