Landspeeder X-34


New Member
Jan 2, 2010
Ok fellows... and now it's time for the next model on the list...

The secuence lead us to the point where the empire knows that the stolen data is carried by droids on Tatooine. The droids are already in posession fo the Lars family. R2-D2 scapes in search for Obi-wan so Luke and C-3P0 take the Landspeeder to find the wandering R2 unit.


Well... starting the model I pick the cabin as a starting point.
I'll try to keep the model as curved as posible... and avoid the edges and faces. Starting here.


Then I glued everything together trying to keep it smooth around the edges.


THen the pieces for the top panel of the speeder. Here I also used inner tabs. This model has a lot of curves in its surface... so this is going to become a standard procedure.... the inner tabs.


Once this was ready I reinferced the whole surface with carboard. This way the entire thing will be more rigid. This is mandatory for large paper surfaces.


Then... I continued whit the side panels. All the way around... One must be very carefull with the orientation of the piece... I put it upside down and then i had to fix it. The photo reveals the mistake.


Then I started to close the bottom.... Here it will be necessary an internal structure to close properly.


A light internal structure in the front and rear is builded. This will make the closing more easy.


I placed a piece of cardboard on top of the structure and then glued everything else in top of this one. This way the model gets easier to manipulate and the assembly can be cleaner.


The joints looks better this way... much more cleaner and smooth.
The main body is ready for the rest of the pieces and modules. Next...the engines.


This little bit for now.... the model is becoming really nice and sturdy... stay tuned....:thumb:

Thanks for stopping by...leave an opinion, comment or something.

Un saludo amigos.
it looks really good, where is the model available at? I might finally start building some starwars stuff cause of this one.
You are correct my friend... its MTK's model... but now there's available another version...a bigger one. Is this very same model but with the cooperation of noturno sukoi. He use this model, scaled and modified the pieces to match the size of his luke skywalker model. And you can find that one in his web page....
Sweet chocolate...


First of all, great work! Congrats, keep it up.
Second: you're laminating your model with Brazilian chocolate candy box paper? Well done! That's Garoto's (chocolate factory) Sonho de Valsa ("Waltz Dream")!!! :thumb: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :cool:
You are correct my friend... its MTK's model... but now there's available another version...a bigger one. Is this very same model but with the cooperation of noturno sukoi. He use this model, scaled and modified the pieces to match the size of his luke skywalker model. And you can find that one in his web page....

Haven't been able to find it, oh well!
Got it!! Thanks! :)

First of all, great work! Congrats, keep it up.
Second: you're laminating your model with Brazilian chocolate candy box paper? Well done! That's Garoto's (chocolate factory) Sonho de Valsa ("Waltz Dream")!!! :thumb: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :cool:

hahahaha....Yep...actually I'm laminating the model with Brazilian chocolate candy box cardboard. Garoto not only gives you chocolats...but also provide a nice structural material :thumb:

Oh...and by the way...for those who would like the noturnos-MTK lanndspeeder here is where you can find it and see somo photos of it.
Well to conclude this thread... here is the engine assembly. I choose to keep the pieces as round as posible so i didn't fold the lines. No faces... everything must be as smooth as posible. Here i cut the tabs as well and then put "internal" ones. Then glue everything together and proceeded with the other two. After that the side engines can be placed in their respective places.

Then the seats.... these modules are a little bit trickie to assemble. The whole thing is made of one piece so I have to be very careful here.

When both seats are done, they can be glued in position. Here one must be careful that the two seats are aligned and simetrical.

For the piece that holds the tail engine I decided to reinforce the piece a little. A couple of pieces of cardboard will do the trick. As simple as that, and helps a lot.

Fixing the engine to this structure will secure it's stability. Take notice of the lines in the air intake of the engine at the time of gluing.


Now....the vehicle details.... here is the assembly of the steering wheel. Easy piece.

After this is time to do the curved windshield. Here i did it with a piece of plastic for a disposable bottle. Select the curved surface that fits better...cut it....glu it. And thats it.

With the model in its final touches.... i could find out by some reference photos that the velocity sensor that goes in the front of the vehicle is missing. So i made one with some left overs pieces. Luckly is not that complicated. Once its was in position the model was oficially completed....

And here are is the finished product.

And here I give you a bonus.... A few "on location" photos....

Well my friends... this is it with Luke's Landspeeder. Hope you liked. Thanks for follow this thread...

See you on the next model...
The next one in particular... will not be a Star Wars model.... :twisted:
I would make a pedal car out of that with head and tail lights in the jets! for the kinetic sculpture race in arcata ca, every Halloween!
AWESOME build.
Looks great.....and even greater with the last pictures on the sand.
Did you make a stand for it with mirror-stickers?
Excellent build.

I cannot understand for the life of me why a designer would not round out the polygons and make the radii smooth and transition properly though.

The designer of this model is capable of studio quality work, and in fact often does so.


Your build exceeds the models quality. :)
You have done a great job! The build is fantastic and the nature shots are extremely cool. You have managed to photograph the model as if it was the real thing. Big thumbs up! :thumb:
You have done a great job! The build is fantastic and the nature shots are extremely cool. You have managed to photograph the model as if it was the real thing. Big thumbs up! :thumb:

Those were exceptionally well done shots, great photography! :)
Thank you all for your coments... It was nice to read all of them... boost my spirit and feeds my ego hehehe...

This was actually a fun proyect... and I also enjoyed the photo session.. finding a tatooine like landcape, taking a lot of pictures untill you get it right. I just hope that in the following models I can achive results like that.

Well... for the next project i will have to leave my confort zone (that means star wars) to fulfill a promise... as part of a deal in exchange for a model.
