including photo's in posts


Active Member
Mar 23, 2001
Northern Rivers NSW Australia

I have noticed that some contributors have trouble posting pics in the forum.
I have set up some webspace to allow everyone to do just that.
Go to sign in with user "theguage" and password "theguage2001".
When you log in you will be presented with a screen that allows file upload, and file manager facilities. click on file upload, "browse" to find you pic or whatever, then click upload.
the url for the pics will be ( being your filename you uploaded.

Then put (IMG) in your post. It is case sensitive. Replace the () with square brackets []. This should work. The pic below is and should appear here.

The same pic from my webpage is

Now why didn't that work from Geocities........... It works from my webpage..... hmmmmm

[This message has been edited by Woodie (edited 05-16-2001).]
Bloody 'ell! Geocities says this:
Why won't my files load when I try to link to them outside of GeoCities?
Unfortunately, this isn't allowed. We've made changes to our system that prohibit certain files from loading outside of our domain ( This means that some of the files stored in your Yahoo! GeoCities directory can't be referenced directly from links outside of However, these files will remain accessible from any web page.
This change ensures that our resources are supporting visitors to Yahoo! GeoCities web pages and providing them with the best possible experience.

Please note: In compliance with our Yahoo! GeoCities Terms of Service (Section 5), we don't allow our members to use Yahoo! GeoCities primarily to store files for exclusive use at another site. Any violation of our Terms of Service may result in removal of your account.

If you want to link to files in your Yahoo! GeoCities directory from outside of our domain, you can bypass this limitation by linking to the entire HTML page rather than to specific images or other files within the page.

However........ To see the pic.... click "Back" button them immediately click the "forward" button on your browser. The pic appears!!!! hmmmm.... Thats with Internet Exploder anyway. DOes this happen with anybody else?


[This message has been edited by Woodie (edited 05-16-2001).]
I think that the problem is "The Guage", not agelfire, or geocities, dave, look into this if you would very kindly??TYANKX
Hi wt&c, I don't think the problem is on our end. I have seen this problem before on other boards, unfortunately I never took the time to find out what the solution was.

Dave Hagan
Yep. Just verified that that works. When viewing this topic, just click the "back" button on your browser, then click "forward". The pic from geocities appears. Can someone please verify this for me that it works with their browser as well, please? If this works generally, it gives me something to work with to get the pic to appear on the initial viewing.


nup..... no pics..... until the magic button.... That BACK button.... Now to work out a way to make it "think" it has gone "back" hmmmm....

Others ideas are welcome, and also if the "back" button works for them too.

The file/pic upload is the easy bit. To have to hit the "BACK" button is not good enough. I'll work it out.

TOOT! works, however getting the pic there is a bit more complex, and the pic name is meaningless. Also Photopoint say they will not be a free service from June. Plus login to photopoint is email name specifc. To difficult for general use.


Sorry to disappoint Andy, But they are real trains, however... they are my prototype to work towards. A first "glimpse" of the models, which are not quite complete, and just plonked on a bit of track, and clicked with my box brownie instamatic....

All aspects will improve, I hope!

Webpage of everything else? Dave has been kind enough to put it on The Guage Spotlight.... featured at the bottome of each sceen.

Hi woodie
Smilie scratchin' his head.
Now I get ..wait...there were only three of the lot, now, I just scrolled down, and three more, at first showing a little white box with red x...are now photos...maybe patience is the message here ???
..let's see now..only the 2"name in twice" don't show..( there's no foolin' mother internet
) and one photopoint red x box down toward the bottom ...but there is a photo...
end of report.
Hey, your baby layout looks like he's growing like a weed

g' nite all

Feel free to use this facility. That's what I've set it up for.
I get 10MEG of webspace as part of my ISP, so I can use that, but some ISP's don't provide webspace for their users.


[This message has been edited by Woodie (edited 05-19-2001).]