I Was Just Wondering....


Sep 5, 2006
Richardson, Texas
As I was thumbing through old MRRs last night scouring for ideas, it came to me that many of THE Gaugers' work is certainly more than worthy to grace the covers and pages of not only MRR, but any of the industry magazines. Many names come to mind....Dr. Wayne, CNNutbar, Deano, Brakie, Ralph, Trainnut, EZDays andthe list goes on and on...

My question is, have any of THE Gaugers submitted pics or articles, and if not, why not??? The work on this forum is as good as anywhere...:thumb:

ps - there are many more others than those I named, please forgive me if you feel slighted, these are just the names I can recall off the top of my head :mrgreen:.....
First off, thank you highly for your compliment.:thumb: However, I never thought of my work as being worthy enough to appear in any magazine and second, even if it was, I don't feel like jumping through all the hoops to make that happen.
On a seperate but related note, I did however, just notice that one of the members of our local club got two pictures of his home layout published in the 2008 N&Z Walthers catalogue.
I'm a follower of that old adage: "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." :mrgreen:
In my little pea brain, I see all our great modellers and members sniggering at the 'great' articles and layouts in MRR mags. Whut-Ever!

When I open this site, there is no avalanche of advertising blow-ins, special edition stapled page stiffening offers, multiple subscription cards, inane & meaningless 'letters to the editor', and just plain crap falling all over the floor in the den.
The one BIG problem is, I can't read the forums in the loo, so I don't spend much time there anymore.
In my little pea brain, I see all our great modellers and members sniggering at the 'great' articles and layouts in MRR mags. Whut-Ever!

When I open this site, there is no avalanche of advertising blow-ins, special edition stapled page stiffening offers, multiple subscription cards, inane & meaningless 'letters to the editor', and just plain crap falling all over the floor in the den.
The one BIG problem is, I can't read the forums in the loo, so I don't spend much time there anymore.

Laptop! :mrgreen:

I have taken to glancing quickly though the mag to decide if it's worth purchasing. Regretfully, I am purchasing fewer and fewer, which is why I don't subscribe.

I can't fault the magazines too much, though; hobbyists are not coming up with much that's new right now. At best, they are refining the current techniques over and over again.
What, no wireless laptop?:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
EDIT: Mountain Man, you beat me to it by less than a minute!

I figured that would be everyone's natural response! :mrgreen:

However, for those who really care, they do make geriatric easy chairs with built-in bedpans! You don't have to leave your computer...:thumb:
I don't mean to debate the worthiness of the magazines themselves, I just found it odd to see all the talent here, and have never seen anyone from THE Gauge with pictures published.....I think at least one person would want their work showcased in a magazine....

ps - rivet counters are everywhere including one or two on this forum...:mrgreen:

I don't mean to debate the worthiness of the magazines themselves, I just found it odd to see all the talent here, and have never seen anyone from THE Gauge with pictures published.....I think at least one person would want their work showcased in a magazine....

ps - rivet counters are everywhere including one or two on this forum...:mrgreen:

There you go, Scubadude. That PS is talking about me again:rolleyes:

However, back at least 6-8 years ago, I was reading a MR mag, and they were telling about taking photos of a layout. It appeared to be a great layout, until............ . Seems they took some photos and decided pictures showed a lot of flaws that weren't seen before. So, PROFESSIONAL modelers build a bunch more trees, did a lot of touchups, and PROFESSIONAL photographers did lighting, and all the garbage that goes with it. Got good pictures, and made a fine layout, BUT, and I do mean BUT, what I have seen on this forum equals, or surpasses it.

I am definitely inferring, or downright saying, that we have modelers of all kinds, and photographers, that are as good as any.

I do a lot of lurking, and spouting off on ocassion, but I would put this group up against the best of them at any time. And noobies needn't feel ashamed or embarrassed, for their work also appears to be outstanding, with all things considered.

(I think I put a nickles worth of thought in on this):mrgreen:

i dont know if you guys noticed but 2 members here DID get in a mag. Hminky got into RMC for his rusting water tank bands i believe last month and shamus was in numerous narrow gauge and O scale mags for his layouts. athough,i do agree that alot of our memebrs work is easily good enough to make it into a mag along with there great tutorials.--josh
Thanks for that reminder Josh! Actually I've been published in Model Railroader....it was a cartoon! Its in the November 1992 issue on page 74. For a while I thought it would be fun for this amateur cartoonist to have a gag published in a real magazine. Since I figured the New Yorker might be a challenge :mrgreen: I sent some to MR which at the time had two cartoons in most issues.

Oddly enough they chose the toon I thought was the least funny. It had several images of the same modeler (in the obligatory engineer's cap) with a hand held throttle. The caption read, "Careful placement of mirrors can create the illusion of more operators on busy open house nights" . I drew it at a time when mirrors had been mentioned a few times in previous issues.

Once seeing a cartoon in print I was satisfied and didn't send them anymore.
I draw doodles for friends when I have an inspiration to make them laugh.

While I don't see my layout work as "magazine worthy" I'd have to agree that I see several daily examples of modeling that could easily grace the pages of the major hobby magazines.

I did submitt an article for "consideration" to Model Railroader once. An article about a building I scratchbuilt when I was in N scale. Back in the mid '90's.
I got rejected......

As far as the guidlines for submitting an article to them, you can find it on their website.
I believe a couple of months ago, one of the members (whose name escapes me just now....) in the O-Gauge forums got a couple of pictures published in the Toy Trains mag.
For sure, there are modelers here that rival any published anywhere...And we get to "talk" to them....
Now what could be better than that....:thumb:
Richard:wav: , FIRST, i want to THANK YOU for mentioning me in your list, really, THANK YOU!, i feel VERY HONORED:smilie: . I gotta go with TrainNut's answer on this one though:
...I never thought of my work as being worthy enough to appear in any magazine and second, even if it was, I don't feel like jumping through all the hoops to make that happen...

ALSO, i am not really one to "take over the world":119: , the only folks i really care to show, and if they are interested, discuss my work with are YOU FOLKS, RIGHT HERE ON THE GAUGE:thumb::mrgreen: .

THANKS AGAIN:smilie: ,
:deano: -Deano
I believe that Harold Minkwitz has had articles published in at least seven issues of RMC (and deservedly so) and a couple of other publications, too.
I have to say that it is nice seeing your work in a magazine, although, like here, "fame" is fleeting. :rolleyes::p I had a short article in the February 1980 issue of MR, on painting TH&B geeps. I submitted the work at the urging of the LHS that I frequented at the time: I was doing TH&B diesel paint jobs for them and, quite frankly, was getting bored with the work. It was my secret hope that all of the TH&B modellers that hadn't yet purchased one would get off their duffs and paint their own. ;):-D All it did, though, was create additional interest in more custom painted units. wall1 I eventually stopped doing those paint jobs, and LifeLike Canada finally came out with the Proto2000 geeps and switchers in TH&B paint. In my opinion, their version of the paint job was excellent.

One thing that is nice if you get an article published in one of the model railroading mags is that they pay for articles that are published. A friend and fellow member of the modular club that I belong to kit bashed a dummy Sd40 right after Kato came out with their model of one. I think Kato's powered version retailed for around $90.00-$100.00, and my friend figured he had $9.00 invested in his kitbash. He told Harold Carstens about his model and Harold asked to see it, so Jim boxed it up and mailed it to him with an article about how he built it. Carstens sent the model back to Jim a couple of weeks later, and the next thing Jim knew there was an article in RMC by him on how to build an Sd40 for under $10.00! A few months later, the locomotive was on the cover of the magazine! Jim ended up making between $300.00 & $400.00 off of that $10.00 model!

Galen aka "ocalicreek" here on the Gauge had a picture published in the Walther's catalog a couple of years ago.
I KNEW there were a few of you guys out there...:thumb: Hats off to Hminky, Ocalicreek, Dr. Wayne (I knew it :mrgreen:), Ralph (send us your cartoons, dude!)and Shamus ....:inw::inw::inw::inw::inw:...I KNOW there are more in the closet or should I say behind the workbench..sign1...come on, keep 'em comin'...
ps- Yellowlynn, I LOVE rivet counters - we BOTH can give each other something to laugh at!!! tooth1
I do a lot of lurking, and spouting off on ocassion, but I would put this group up against the best of them at any time. And noobies needn't feel ashamed or embarrassed, for their work also appears to be outstanding, with all things considered.

(I think I put a nickles worth of thought in on this):mrgreen:


The newbees are welcomed and helped with layout and photography. I mean in a friendly helpfull way.I have never read a condemning comment toward another modeler here.