I have cancer.

It would be fantastic. :)

I'll hold you to that!!!

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And when you'll be here I'll take you to try every single kind of italian food your doctors will allow you to eat!
I am looking forward to it

Hey, technically, well, actually, you don't have Cancer anymore, you beat it!! :ass-kicking:
I did have 24 lymph nodes removed (two of them tested positive for cancer. So there may be more treatments ahead of me.
I am looking forward to it

I did have 24 lymph nodes removed (two of them tested positive for cancer. So there may be more treatments ahead of me.

Geez Rhaven. Sorry to here that. Check out Pancratistatin. Will pray for you.
When did you guys do the makeover on the site?. It looks great!

Sky Seeker
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I spoke with Rhaven yesterday, he is such an inspiration, and is in the hands of an Angel. Keep the prayers and Good will coming. Let us be vigilant in our Spiritual will, in whatever way in which you express that, we are all connected, and it all does matter, and this all does make a difference, this coming together, every single one of us, every single one of us make a difference, and are part of a greater plan. I don't know what it is, I just know that I think, therefore I am, and you I know you are, and this reality we live in is all far too complicated to be coincidental.
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Here is am update of what all is going on.
Yesterday (Sept. 20 Tuesday), had to have one of the tube changed for a larger one. Unfortunately, it still hurts (it feels like I have a frakking ice pick in my side). :headbange::headbange::headbange:
Supposedly, the new tube is suppose to drain more of the infection out, but I have not seen any kind of improvement at all.
I am still on the IV antibiotics. Other than that, I am doing better.
THANK YOU one and all for the kind words and encouragement as well as keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I greatly appreciate it!!!
You guys are a FANTASTIC LOT!!! Every time I read your posts, it always lifts my spirits and puts a huge smile on my face!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Sorry you're still suffering pain although I'm glad to see that it hasn't stopped you from referencing BSG so you're obviously on the mend. Keep getting better my friend and I'll keep popping in to check on your progress.
My Mom's major complaint was that tube. I had one up my nose for two days, my God that was painful. It seems like this is something technical that material sciences could have solved? I hope your doing the best you can.
Feel better soon. To coin a phrase from Star Wars "May the Force of God" be with you!
If you start walking, the Somatic system will pump liquids and they will dissolve the infection, and it will drain. Most people have no idea what the Somatic system is, but it is how liquids other than blood are pumped through our bodies. You have to get up, and move around. It is hard s hell but you will start to feel better. It's imperative to get those "juices" flowing. You know I have 12 ruptured discs and movement is very difficult for me, I do have an idea what your going through, not exactly, but the struggle, just keeping our eye on the light at the end of the tunnel, my friend, you have to move until they tell you to stop. :)
My neighbor was recently diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. He had a bad bout a couple of weeks ago where he almost died. His doctor asked him if he wanted to live through this and would he do what he told him. Upon the answer yes, the doctor said walk every day. Even if just a little, walk every day. My neighbor took his word and starting walking in the yard, maybe 20 feet. Within a few days he had improved markedly and the doctor was greatly surprised when he saw him a few days later. Saw him riding his mower cutting some grass the other day. Not much, just a little, but he is trying to be as active as he can.
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Here is the latest update.
Yesterday afternoon, I returned home from a two week stay in the hospital (again).
I am now on oral antibiotics for the next two weeks. Not only that, but I still have the abdominal drain tubes in my side (which should be removed in two weeks as well).
Once I am off the antibiotics and the tubes have been removed, I am planning on going back to the gym and getting back into shape. Yes, I will be taking it slow.
Just take your time. I guarantee, once the tubes are gone you will feel much better. :)
... Once I am off the antibiotics and the tubes have been removed, I am planning on going back to the gym and getting back into shape. ...

Perhaps I've already said this before but, believe me, (I'm talking as a doctor) you are the best doctor for yourself. The healing process starts in your mind (and in your heart) before all the meds, and seems to me that you're off to a very good start talking as you do.
Take it slow but never stop moving! We all are with you! :)