How to preserve paper models‏?

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How about a few light sprays of ClearCote, (KleerCote?) not sure of the spelling, it's used as a hobby sealant/protective hard coating and comes in matt and gloss.

I've used it on plastic models before after painting/decals etc, not sure how it would react long term with paper though, too much would obviously cause sagging!
Hi team. If I could expand on the question a little. I have a badger spray gun (used to use it on my plastic models) which now sits idle. Is there any that you would recommend for use in a sprayer as opposed to off the shelf spray cans.

Thanks and hope someone can help.


You know, I always wanted to try the stuff they use on automobiles for clearcoat... however, the only sources I could find wanted a LOT of money for a small amount. And it seemed the stuff was just another acrylic or urethane product anyway, from what I remember.
Hello, I know the product must be the fixer (spray) for using the ladies hair at the salon from the 60s
Don't know much...

You know, I always wanted to try the stuff they use on automobiles for clearcoat... however, the only sources I could find wanted a LOT of money for a small amount. And it seemed the stuff was just another acrylic or urethane product anyway, from what I remember.

As the title says, I really don't know much, and I read many great posts, but the problem is... I am NOT in America, and the products and chemicals may vary so much, that sometimes it's hard to get anything close to what is discussed here.
Of course, I have the same problem, how to preserve (and harden) paper models. The best thing so far for me, since I have started at it just a couple of months ago, is craftmanship varnish (is that right?), for I've been told any other varnish wouldn't adhere to paper. Problem: it's water-based, so it won't protect the model from the rain, and as a previous post said, apply VERY light coats.
But I'm still testing it, and would appreciate comments on it, since I don't know much (here we go again...sign1) about paints and related stuff. Please remember: we do not have as many products here in Brazil (unless they are imported) as you guys have in America.
Yes, different product names are certainly a problem. Any chance someone can make a list of what to ask for in shops in North America, Europe, Asia and South America? I get the impression only some crafts stores carry such products, and that there are likely not many brands to boot. I have a feeling it will all be made in Germany in any case :p

Hi there

What sort of timescale are we talking about for these effects to be seen ? with normal printer paper ?

Is Future [ acrylic floor polish ] good for protecting models ? I am building some in 1/100th scale for wargaming so need them to be physically robust & proof against sweaty fingers and last at least a couple of years.

regards Paul
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