Household electrics


Pooh Bah
Mar 25, 2002
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
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I need a bit of advice from someone in the electrical trade.
We have a hair dryer with a GFIC (Ground fault interruption) plug. Last week when I was testing the plug, the reset button popped out as expected but refused to go back in. However, the dryer still works.
How much do I need to worry?
Can I replace the plug myself? Are they available to the layman?
Should I restrict using it to a GFCI receptacle?

Thanks for the non-RR advice.
If you need a GFCI plug, I know Grainger's sells them (about $30.00)

It might pay you to replace the dryer. :( :( If it was built with a GFCI - there's definatly a reason to use a GFCI receptical until you get the right plug replacement. :)

You should also periodically test your GFCI recepticals..

Way i do it is: If I cant remember "testing them" it's time to test them again LOL
If your dryer works with the GFI tripped, it isn't any good. so why not just go out an buy a new dryer? It isn't worth the risk, and you can find a new dryer with a GFI plug for about what it would cost for a replacement GFI cord set, but that's one thing I wouldn't recommend replacing. Because of the heat, many of the connections in the dryer are welded together rather than soldered or crimped.

Save yourself from creating a fire, replace the dryer.
oops = Don is right - The dryer shouldn't work if the GFI is tripped..

that said, Don... we've had plenty of GFI Cord end Plugs go bad, only because that every time you unplug them - they trip. This wears them out rather quickly :(

We have always replaced them - our "certified electrician" even agrees, that once we wire a new plug on - if the GFI works, it's ok :) If it trips & will not reset, then it's time for a new plug :) :)
If you have a GFI receptacle in the bathroom (as you should) and the GFI plug on the dryer is the problem (not the dryer it's self), Why couldn't you put a regular plug on the dryer and use the GFI receptacle?
Ray, you CAN use your dryer w/ a regular plug as long as you get one that is rated to handle the load. Most "clip on" plugs would not do for this, they are usually only rated at about 500 Watt max. you need for today's dryer's something about 1500 watts +. You easily change a regular recp to a gfi make sure of your polarity and if there is more than one wire in the box make sure you attach the pwer wire to the line side and the second wire to the load side this will also protect what ever that wire powers. As always use caution and shut off the power to work on electrical recps'. And home depot sells GFI recp for about 12-14 $ depending on the amperage 15- 20. Good luck Pat
Ray Marinaccio said:
If you have a GFI receptacle in the bathroom (as you should) and the GFI plug on the dryer is the problem (not the dryer it's self), Why couldn't you put a regular plug on the dryer and use the GFI receptacle?

The idea behind having the GFI on the end of the cord is that you can use it anywhere and it still is protected. In addition to GFI protection, there is also a thermal cutoff switch in all dryers. I'm sure UL requires both. One day someone we knew came to our shop and asked me if I wouldn't bypass this switch since the unit kept turning off. Not a smart thing to want to do. As I said, it's just about as cheap to replace the whole unit than it is to replace just the cord with the GFI attached. How come, you ask? I don't know the logistics, but go to Wal Mart and get a watch battery replaced. I think they only charge $3.50 for one, but you can buy a whole new watch for around $6.00, including the battery. Something about the sum of the parts equals much more than the whole. Go to Big Lots and you can find dryers selling for $10 to $15, less than the cost of a new GFI cord.
ezdays said:
I don't know the logistics, but go to Wal Mart and get a watch battery replaced. I think they only charge $3.50 for one, but you can buy a whole new watch for around $6.00, including the battery. Something about the sum of the parts equals much more than the whole. Go to Big Lots and you can find dryers selling for $10 to $15, less than the cost of a new GFI cord.


I had a friend in high school whose dad had a Chrysler dealership. One day, just for fun, we priced out a K-car as parts. If you wanted to buy all the parts and assemble it yourself, you would have been looking at over $100,000 (mid 1980s)! :eek: I can't remember the regular "floor" price for the Kcar, but I am pretty sure it was under $10K at that point...

MasonJar said:

I had a friend in high school whose dad had a Chrysler dealership. One day, just for fun, we priced out a K-car as parts. If you wanted to buy all the parts and assemble it yourself, you would have been looking at over $100,000 (mid 1980s)! :eek: I can't remember the regular "floor" price for the Kcar, but I am pretty sure it was under $10K at that point...


:D :D You too eh???? :D

New Pontiac Bonneville, 1972 "sticker price": $5300.00
Parts - Engine alone... $1850.00
A/C & Heater $1000.00
Doors, trunk, and all windows & gaskets $ 1300.00
Hood, lights trim in front & all chrome ... $1400.00
car total parts $ 5500.00 not counting interior :)

Labor to install... approx $2300.00

Total car w/o seats, dash, steering, window cranks or other important things (Pedals)

Cheaper to barter for an Assembled one.. :D :D
MasonJar said:

I had a friend in high school whose dad had a Chrysler dealership. One day, just for fun, we priced out a K-car as parts. If you wanted to buy all the parts and assemble it yourself, you would have been looking at over $100,000 (mid 1980s)! :eek: I can't remember the regular "floor" price for the Kcar, but I am pretty sure it was under $10K at that point...

Yep, that's got to be true. These are the same parts that roll off the production line as those used on the assembly line, just at an extrodinary markup.:( That's why on some products like electronics, it's cheaper to buy new than get the old one repaired, plus you get the latest technology.:thumb::thumb:
ezdays said:
Yep, that's got to be true. These are the same parts that roll off the production line as those used on the assembly line, just at an extrodinary markup.:( That's why on some products like electronics, it's cheaper to buy new than get the old one repaired, plus you get the latest technology.:thumb::thumb:
Plus - it's an "Excellant Excuse" to buy the "newest one"... not, that I've ever done that.. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
N Gauger said:
Plus - it's an "Excellant Excuse" to buy the "newest one"... not, that I've ever done that.. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Nor I,:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Just because I'm waiting for my new computer to show up later today and tomorrow (Dell shipped it in three boxes, one is due today, the other two tomorrow):confused:, didn't mean I couldn't have fixed the old one. Uh, the emphasis is on OLD....:D:D:D:D
Yep, you've all been molded into the perfect consumers by the large corperations.
How soon will it be before people move instead of changing a light bulb. or junk their car because it got a flat tire. :D

(Yep, you've all been molded into the perfect consumers by the large corperations.
How soon will it be before people move instead of changing a light bulb. or junk their car because it got a flat tire.)

Ray, now you done gone to meddlin'!!!!!!!!

Lynn :D :D :D
Ray Marinaccio said:
Yep, you've all been molded into the perfect consumers by the large corperations.
How soon will it be before people move instead of changing a light bulb. or junk their car because it got a flat tire. :D
Aren't we suppose to do that now?:D It was time to change the oil in our car, so we just went out an bought a new one....:wave::wave:

Let's see, the first VHS recorder we bought cost close to $500 and weighed a ton. The last one we bought (several years ago) cost $50, had more features and weighed a few ounces. We of course know that they are now obsolete, so how long before the DVD is obsolete? And my first computer with a 12" screen, 4 meg processor, one meg memory and a gigantic 20 meg HD cost me well over $2000. I just got my new Dell, I won't go through the specs, but things are measured now in gigs and I paid about half what I did for my first machine and it includes a 19" flat panel screen. Time marches on, things get better, electronics get cheaper, smaller, smarter and better, and in spite of the fact that we know we are being suckered by the corporate giants, we still can't resist.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

What's that you say, Atlas came out with a new what????? Hey, move over, I get here first....:D:D:D:D
The first computer we bought at work cost approaching a quarter of a million dollars (1981) (Canadian$$). When I left, everyone, including the coffee lady, had a more powerful one on their desk.
About the dryer: It's my wife's favourite. It is less than 2 years old, maybe less than a year (we bought a second one for the trailer) but we have to go to Michigan to find a match. I refuse to believe that a replacement plug could cost more than a new hair dryer.
And maybe I should put a new GFCI receptacle in the bathroom.

I'd be willing to bet you could find a new hair dryer for less than you could find a replacement cord set with a GFI plug. But, if you're looking for a specific one, well, that's another story. And yeah, a GFI receptical is going to be a much cheaper way to go. I've seen those advertised for under $10. The net results should be the same.
ezdays said:

I'd be willing to bet you could find a new hair dryer for less than you could find a replacement cord set with a GFI plug. But, if you're looking for a specific one, well, that's another story. And yeah, a GFI receptical is going to be a much cheaper way to go. I've seen those advertised for under $10. The net results should be the same.

If you have a house new enough to be wired with a hot, neutral, and a ground, a gfi receptical is the easiest, cheapest way to go. If your house is wired with two wire plugs, you will need to install a ground wire to make a gfi work. That may raise the difficulty level.
Russ Bellinis said:
If you have a house new enough to be wired with a hot, neutral, and a ground, a gfi receptical is the easiest, cheapest way to go. If your house is wired with two wire plugs, you will need to install a ground wire to make a gfi work. That may raise the difficulty level.
Yeah, you're right, but being in a bathroom, a water pipe should get you a decent ground. Cannot say that about a newer house with all the plastic pipes being used, but on the other hand, a newer house would have a grounded outlet in the first place.